Chapter 10: Man 「Yumi」

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Chapter 10: Man Yumi

Pain still overwhelms me even when I am with this beautiful girl. I keep having flash backs of my events. Sure the pain is numbing, but it pisses me off that it's still there. I ignored it, and went on with my day.

Christmas was coming near, and I had to visit someone and spend time for Christmas. I was thinking of Chie. Oh how I will miss her, but she will be okay without me. She has her friends.

I spoke to Chie that night. We decided to watch a movie together. Our first was a Stephen King movie. The one with that obsessive lady fan. I forgot the name. It was weird watching without her next to me, but this was the best we could have. I enjoyed reading her silly reactions to the movie as I stayed silent. I was always the silent type. She was on webcam. I wasn't due to the fact I had to show her my screen for the movie. She was so focused. I watched her instead. I felt like a creeper, but was it wrong to look at the girl I like so much? How I wish to kiss those lips of hers. My face flustered as I shook sense in me. Soon Yumi soon!

The day of departure came. I told Chie I was leaving. That I will still text her when I can. I sat in the car while waiting for my destination.

The days spent with others on Christmas was fun for me. I would occasionally sneak onto my friend's laptop to check for her messages online. I saw she uploaded a video for me. One with her sitting and showing me flash cards with cute messages on them. My eyes felt heavy, like tears might spill out. I stopped myself from crying. I felt so guilty having fun without her.

On vacation I would sneak texts to Chie, but had to hide it when people would ask who she is. I felt so bad having to hide it. I wanted to scream to the world, but I can't right now sadly. Only a few more days until I get home.

The day came when it was time for me to head home. I called Chie right away when I sat down on the train.

"Hey, I miss you so much." I gently said on the phone.

"Aw boo I miss you too." Her sweet voice echoes.

I missed this voice so much. I miss her face. We talked on my ride home and I felt at home once again with her. Deep down I wanted to be her prince. I don't want to be her girlfriend. I want to be her man.

To Be Continued

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