Chapter 6: Friend 「Chie」

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Chapter 6: Friend Chie

I was bored one day as I came across this girl on my blog. I decided to add her and start a conversation. Yumi was her name. I found her blog entries interesting. When I talked with her, she wasn't too talkative at first, but soon she and I talked all night.

I have a boyfriend, but he wasn't around much. I wanted a friend to speak to due to my family problems. My family never understood me. They blame me for everything that happens. Sometimes I hate life. I thought negative until I met this girl. She seems like a best friend to me in this short month we spoke.

One afternoon I came home, and argued with my parents as always. They blamed me for not helping them with some paperwork. I was so tired having to deal with school and now this. My dad slapped me and I cried. I did everything my parents said. I worked hard in school, and took care of my small siblings, but my parents gave me no love. Just stack of chores one after another. I felt like Cinderella being trapped, and in need of a prince to save me. My boyfriend was not this prince. I couldn't open up to him. I couldn't tell him anything. I couldn't trust him. There wasn't much love there.

That night I got on the laptop waiting for Yumi to reply. We only spoke on our blogs. I didn't have her number so I waited. I cried behind the screen calling her name, but no response. No response until hours later.

"Hey Chie!" She said.

I told her my problems briefly.

"Sorry I'm not feeling good. Something happen with my family and I needed you to get my mind off it." I typed while feeling my eyes watered.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! I was doing homework." She apologized and I felt a sign of relief.

"It's okay, I'm happy you're here now."

Me and her talked all night. She made me laugh and took all my worries away. I love this awesome friend of mine. I hope to always have her around.

To Be Continued

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