Chapter 14 (Maddie)

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Crashing... thunder... lightning... It was a storm. Get me out! I'm stuck... My tear kissed cheeks, my pain stained eyes... I was a mess. Where am I? Why can't I move? I struggled and struggle, but all it did was lessen the little energy I had left. I don't want this? I want to leave. Leave me alone... I can't handle this anymore.

My eyes open and in front of me I see a reflection. Who is this girl I'm looking at? That's not me. What happened? Why am I so lost? Where am I, will I find myself again? I hit the reflection and it disappears. I start to bawl my eyes out. I just want things to be ok. Get me out of here... I struggle... I trash my arm around... I just want to get out...


"Maddie, stop..."

"Honey... please..."

"Madds... wake up..."

"Wake up please..."

I shot up. Arms were wrapped around me, scratches on my arms. I reached up to touch my face and winced. My cheeks, stained with dry tears, my forehead bruised. I looked at everyone worried expression written on all their faces. Tiny arms came around me. And I blinked, for what felt the first time in ages.

"You scared me..." a soft tiny voice spoke. I looked down at Lucas and hugged him back. "Here, drink this." Kyle handed me some water. I took and drank before clearing my throat. "How long was I out?" I ask softly... It's been awhile since I've fainted. "You were out for two days honey..." Vanessa held my hand and looked at me with a small tired smile.

I scanned the room again, they all looked tired. I wasn't home, I was in the hospital. I also noticed they weren't complete. Tyler was here sitting by one corner, but Hayden was missing. Hayden! "Where's Hayden? Is he ok?" I started to stand but fell right on the bed. "He's fine. Well explain everything another time." Zach "Right now you should rest. Do you want something to eat?" Vanessa added.

My stomach grumbled and a blush rises to my cheeks. "I guess I could use a little food." Everyone chuckled a little before Vanessa and Zach left my room followed by Tyler and Luke. "You know you scared us." Dylan sat by the foot of the bed. "Sorry..." I felt like a weight. I was bringing them down, I was a hassle. They shouldn't need to take care of me.

"It's not your fault Maddie." Stephen sat down as well. "Yeah... So don't feel bad, it's not like you plan all this to happen." Kyle sat next to me. "If anything, I should have left you like that with a nine year old. So I'm sorry." He added. "It's not your fault... You didn't know it was going to happen." I tried to smile at him. Dylan and Stephen got up and left with a "take care" and a "see you later".

Kyle stayed with me the whole day. He tried to help me feel better and at the moment I did. It was nice of him to hangout with me. But I also felt guilty for keeping him away from his friends and ruining whatever plans he had today. We fell asleep after watching movie after movie and it was a good dream less nap.


Yesterday afternoon, we went back home. The doctor instructed to keep me out of stressful situations. We were all gathered in the backyard relaxing, and they caught me up on where Hayden went. "So long story short we found him in the skate park with his "new friends" who seem like a bad influence." Kyle finished the story.

I actually thought things were worst that he was hurt and all that. Apparently the reason why Hayden wasn't in the hospital is because he was grounded for going out without permission. So they left him at home with nothing to do.

Now I was back in school, carrying loads and loads of homework, I needed to finish by tomorrow. So much for not being stressed. I was on my way home with the guys. Liana and Robby were coming over so we could practice our skit again. Liana was bring some dressed over so I could try them on.

"This is nice here try this on." This was the only sentence Liana was using while handing me dress by dress to try on. "Liana, I like the dresses but I can't choose and I'm tired trying more and more on." I sighed flopping on my bed. I can't pick a dress, I can't get the choreography, and I can't get into character. It's safe to say I'm stressing out. This was a big deal for school and I can't let them down...

"Ok ok. Here this is the last dress for you to try on. It's yellow like Stargirl's and I think it sorta looks like a flower too." I got up took the dress from her and tried it on. It was yellow like majority of the dresses I've tried on today. The bottom flood and curled at the end making it look like a flower.

I got out of the bathroom and showed Liana. "Perfect!!! That's the dress!!! Let's show the guys!!!" She squealed. As I descended the stairs to show the guys, I didn't realize all the Alvarez boys would be sitting there... I felt a blush on my cheeks and tried to hide behind my hair.

"You look beautiful Madds!" Kyle was the only one who whispered his comment. The other complemented me even Luke, and a perverted comment by Hayden. I changed back to my clothes and the four of us got to practicing.

"Here's let's do it slowly Madds." Robby showed me the step again and I still couldn't get it. "Madds you don't need to copy him exactly... You can do it!" Kyle tried encouraging. "I'll do it with you." Liana supported. This was so frustrating. My feet just have a mind of their own. "I can't do this. Sorry guys. I tried. But I just can't do this right now." After another 10 times of trying to teach me I gave up and ran to my room.

"Come on, you can do it!"

"Here, it's simple."

"Just step, the tap, and slide. Easy right?"

"Don't stress... relax."

"Don't be hard on yourself honey."

So many voices swarmed my head and it was giving me a headache. I just can't do anything right can I? With a frustrated groan I covered my head with a pillow and screamed. "Can I come in?" Kyle's voice came from the door. "I guess so." "I know it's hard for you Maddie... I'm here, you can talk to me." Kyle comforted.

Without thinking I hugged him. I hugged him tight and I cried. I cried all my frustration away. I let the pain come to me. And I sat the vulnerable in Kyle's arms. "I'm sorry..." I kept whispering. Kyle rubbed my back, an whispered comforting words. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

After an hour of crying... I finally settled down. If Kyle wasn't there to hold me I would have had another attack and probably end up fainting. I was weak like that. I always needed someone. And right now that was Kyle.

After asking for permission to eat in my room, Kyle brought the tray of food in with an extra small tub of ice cream. I smiled at the sight of the ice cream and began eating my dinner. Kyle ate silently beside me. Watching curiously he smiled. "Why are you smiling?" I ask shyly.

"I don't know... I like... spending time with you. For some odd reason you make things lighter. And more fun for sure." He explained. "I like.. spending time with you too. You being here is definitely making all of this, whatever this is, easier for me. So thanks..." This was the first time I actually admitted anything like to him without squirming. It's safe to say despite the stress, right now I have good company.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Next chapter's in Alexa's POV

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