New Messages And A Battle

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Remember when i said I wasn't going to forget about this website? Yeah, neither do I. -.-' No , I remember. But then I forgot again. So, I'm very sorry, but... here it is! I don't own Warriors (this is just a fan fiction!).

                "Okay cats," Acornstar called. "Everyone, prepare for battle! Burningdawn, Brownfang, Fishleap, Mudheart, Flarestorm, Birchpaw, Snowflame, Echopoppy, Frostwhisker and Tigerfire. Also, Couldstorm, Firestalker, Ivyclaw, Swiftflight, Berryblaze, Thornheart, Ravenwing and Thistlepelt, you come too! Yellowfur, you're in charge of camp. Wolfcall, you can come too. Everyone else, guard camp until we return."

                All of the named cats gathered and headed off towards the RavenClan border. Good luck, Thornheart. Sandtail watched them leave, her heart heavy. "I never got to tell Thornheart good luck," she whispered quietly.

                "Don't worry," Bluestripe meowed. She and Shortear were carrying their kits back into the nursery. "He'll be back."

                "I know," Sandtail meowed. "I'm missing the battle, missing the chance to help my clan mates..."

                "Sandtail, I'm scared. What if those nasty RavenClan cats get back to camp? Will they eat us?" Leafkit shivered.

                "It's okay," Sandtail mewed to her kittens. "Everyone, come here. You'll all be okay. You too, Smokekit."

                "No," Smokekit growled. "I want to be alone."

                Sandtail sighed. "Crowkit, Snakekit, Honeykit and Leafkit, you all come over here."

                "Don't worry Leafkit," Snakekit meowed. "I'll protect you!"

                "And I'll protect you, Honeykit!" Crowkit meowed.

                Sandtail curled up with her four kits and Smokekit a few paw steps away, curled in his bit of moss, growling in his sleep. What is wrong with that kit? How did he come to be like that? He's so young; he shouldn't be as mean and sharp tongued as an elder!

                Sandtail, don't worry about him, Sandtail heard a voice in the wind. It is nothing that you can control. His destiny is his alone, and it will unfold, give him time. You can do nothing to stop it. The Golden Light is separated from the Silver Light by a think cloud of Smoke. Two love birds can stop it though, and bring the Golden and Silver Lights back together.

                What?! Sandtail almost gasped out loud. Another prophecy?!

                The words rang in her ears; The Golden Light is separated from the Silver Light by a think cloud of Smoke. Two love birds can stop it though, and bring the Golden and Silver Lights back together.

                "Sandtail?" Leafkit mewed. "Sandtail?"

                "I'm sorry," Sandtail meowed. "Yes?"

                "Are the RavenClan cats going to find us?"

                "No, all of those brave SandClan warriors will chase them away."

                "Will anyone die?"

                "Let's pray to StarClan not."

                "Yes. StarClan, please keep my dad and clan safe from those RavenClan meanies. Thank you."

                Leafkit closed her eyes and curled up next to her littermates. She soon fell asleep, along with every other cat except Sandtail. And Smokekit.

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