Forbiden Love

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Oh my StarClan, when I logged on today I was so happy! Thank you all so much! I have votes!

So, I wanted to post another chapter. Yay!

                "Sandpaw!" Illuminatedpath hissed into the den. "Sandpaw, wake up!"

                "I'm coming!" Sandpaw hissed. "Why are you so mad?"

                "Maybe because I've been calling for you about ten times!" Illuminatedpath meowed.

                "I'm sorry," Sandpaw meowed.

                Illuminatedpath sighed. "It's okay, let's get going. We have a border patrol today; we're going to the CliffClan border."

                "Yay!" Sandpaw meowed. "My first border patrol!"

                Sandpaw raced to the entrance of camp, flicking her tail, impatiently waiting for the rest of the cats to come. Once all of the other cats had been gathered, they headed out.

                "Wait!" Moonpaw called after the patrol. "Fallingheart wants me to come with you!"

                The patrol waited for her to catch up and then they left. Sandpaw followed the older cats over to the border. She padded beside her sister.

                "Moonpaw, why is Fallingheart making you come? You do know that there could be danger," Sandpaw meowed.

                "Fallingheart wanted me to collect herbs, and she didn't want me going alone," Moonpaw explained. "And Fallingheart is stuck in her den because Jayflower ran into a thorn bush, and she now looks like a hedgehog. So I had to go with you guys."

                "Oh, okay!" Sandpaw meowed.

                "We're nearing the border!" Illuminatedpath whispered. "You two," She meowed to Sandpaw and Moonpaw, "Stay close. If there's a battle, Moonpaw, you have to head back to the camp to get help, okay?"

                Moonpaw nodded. Sandpaw then whispered, "Don't worry Moonpaw, I'll protect you!"

                "You know about as much battle training as I do!" Moonpaw laughed.

                "I know a little more!" Sandpaw meowed. "Besides, no CliffClan cat would dare attack us, we're SandClan! We're the greatest clan in the forest!"

                "Is that right?" A voice came from the other side of the border.

                A black tomcat stood at the border with his apprentice, a gray tomcat that didn't look much older than Sandpaw and Moonpaw. A ginger she cat and a black and white tomcat were next to them, their claws extended.

                "Blackfang," Illuminatedpath dipped her head. "I'm sorry for what my apprentice said, she has only been an apprentice for three days now, and this is her first time meeting cats from other clans."

                "Second time," Sandpaw hissed.

                "Second time?" Blackfang asked amused.

                "RavenClan cats, the evil pieces of fox dung!" Sandpaw hissed.

                "So, Illuminatedpath, your clan's doing well, right?" Blackfang asked. "Flowerstar wanted to make sure, since she still thinks that our clans are really close."

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