The Fighting Light of Day

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Wow. This. Is. Late. I forgot about Wattpad for a LONG time! Thanks, epicfrenchfry, for reminding me! Here's the chapter! Remember, I don't own Warriors! This is fanmade, and all of the cats and plot (and clans...) belong to me! Story idea (Warriors) goes to Erin Hunter.

And when one cat says "pussy" he means "pussy cat", not anything... dirty... :P

                Every cat turned around to see four warriors standing on the RavenClan border. The largest, a black tomcat with long scars running down his flank, was the one that had talked.

                "Well Saltpaw?" The tomcat asked. "Why did you abandon your clan?"

                "I-I . . ." Saltpaw was frozen to the ground. Sandpaw stood beside him.

                "We brought him back to the camp and healed him. We never intended on keeping him prisoner forever," Sandpaw meowed.

                "Shut your mouth pussy," The tom hissed.

                "Sandpaw, back away from the border," Illumanatedpath growled. "Now."

                "Are you afraid that your kit-apprentice will get hurt?" The tom laughed.

                "Sandpaw, Saltpaw, Thornpaw, Splashpaw," Illumanatedpath meowed. "Come, let's go. You too, Fogstep, Echopoppy, Frostwhisker, Larkflight, and Ivyclaw. Time to go."

                "Coming," Splashpaw meowed.

                Illumanatedpath led the cats back to camp and went to report the meeting to Acornstar. Frostwhisker took out a hunting patrol because she didn't want to be sitting in camp. Sandpaw went to go and talk with Moonpaw, since Thornpaw was arguing with Ivyclaw and Saltpaw was watching them, laughing.

                "Moonpaw?" Sandpaw called into the den. The silver medicine cat apprentice padded out.

                "Yes Sandpaw?" Moonpaw asked.

                "Can I talk with you?" Sandpaw meowed.

                "Sure," Moonpaw meowed. "Fallingheart, I'm going for a walk in the forest with Sandpaw, okay?"

                "Sure!" Fallingheart called from somewhere in the den.

                "Okay, come on!" Moonpaw mewed like a kit as she raced over towards the camp entrance. Sandpaw laughed and followed her sister.

                "What did you want to talk about?" Moonpaw asked.

                "I don't know," Sandpaw meowed. "I haven't talked with you in so long."

                "Have things gotten better between you and Thornpaw?" Moonpaw asked suddenly.

                "Yeah," Sandpaw meowed. "Wait . . . how'd you know that something went on between us?"

                "I saw him with Ivyclaw, then Ivypaw, and I saw you in the center of camp, looking like your heart had just broken in two."

                "What?! I-I . . . don't love . . ."

                "Oh come on, Sandpaw! I've seen you around him!"

                "Humph! Well . . . I saw you watching that CliffClan apprentice on that border patrol! I saw love in your eyes! And that's against the code, majorly!"

                Moonpaw's eyes flashed with worry for a moment. Does Moonpaw really like a cat from another clan?

                "I do not love a CliffClan cat!" Moonpaw hissed.

                "And I'm not falling in love right now!" Sandpaw countered. Yet.

                "Fine!" Moonpaw meowed as she stalked away.

                "Wait, Moonpaw!" Sandpaw called, racing after her sister. "I-I didn't mean it! You're loyal! You've always been loyal!"

                Suddenly, Moonpaw turned around. All Sandpaw saw was a flash of silver fur as Moonpaw tackled her sister. Sandpaw play fought until she pinned Moonpaw to the ground.

                "The great warrior wins!" Sandpaw declared.

                "Humph!" Moonpaw meowed. "Get off of me, you great lump!"

                "Okay, okay," Sandpaw laughed. "I'm just glad that you're not mad at me."

                "How could I ever be mad at you, Sandpaw?" Moonpaw asked. "Now, if you could, help me find some herbs. We're running low on marigold, and that's the best thing for treating wounds. So if we had a battle-"

                "Moonpaw, shush!" Sandpaw hissed quietly.

                Crunch! Some twigs crunched. Sandpaw heard a cat hiss quietly.

                "Their camp . . . it's this way, right?"

                "No . . . it's this way!"

                "Once we find it, though, they'll wish that they hadn't lived there!"

                Intruders! I have to warn the camp! Sandpaw turned to Moonpaw, and gave her a look that said, we have to get back to camp as fast as possible and as quietly as possible! Moonpaw seemed to understand, and the two sisters ran towards camp, without making a sound.

                Once they got into camp, Sandpaw shouted, "Rogues are looking for the camp! Acornstar, help!"

                Cats flooded out of the dens. Acornstar raced over.

                "Rogues?" He asked.

                "Yes!" Sandpaw and Moonpaw meowed. "They were looking for camp!"

                "Most warriors are out on patrols . . ." Acornstar meowed. "Cherrypaw, Maplepaw, Birchpaw, help the queens and elders hide in the medicine cat's den, okay?"

                The three new apprentices raced off and helped their friends over to the medicine cat's den, along with the elders and queens.

                "Firestalker, Dustfang, Ivyclaw, Thornpaw, Saltpaw, Spidershade, Mudheart, Brightdream, Tigerfire, Berrypaw, Burningdawn and Nightpaw!" Acornstar called. Prepare for battle!"

                The camp was suddenly filled with cats, clan cats and rogues. "Attack!" The battle cry came, and all of the cats started fighting. Sandpaw leaped at a gray tomcat and pinned him down. He growled and tried to bite at her throat. Sandpaw ducked out of the way and Saltpaw tackled the tom. Sandpaw noticed a black she cat clawing at a silver she cat. Moonpaw! Sandpaw rammed into the side of the she cat, sending her flying away from Moonpaw. Moonpaw whispered thanks in Sandpaw's ear as she passed before scampering over to the medicine cat's den. Sandpaw kept her eyes fixed on the black she cat. She jumped, claws extended, and dug her claws into the she cat's side. The black cat yowled and pawed feebly at Sandpaw's belly. Sandpaw let the she cat go, and watched her run off before searching for another cat to fight.

                A gray and black tom clawed at Sandpaw, missing her by a whisker. Sandpaw hissed and swiped at the tom. He tried to dodge, but he wasn't trained to be a warrior. Sandpaw's claws connected with the tom's muzzle, splattering warm, scarlet blood across the ground. The tom howled in pain, his eyes wide with fear.

                "You're the one!" He gasped. "Y-you're the golden light of day!" The tom turned tail and raced out of camp, leaving a trail of crimson behind him.

Thanks for reading... :)

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