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Hey Birdstar, how about now for the update? XD Thanks for commenting! :3

Oh, and everyone, please enjoy the story!

                Sandpaw lay in her nest of moss. Humph! He didn't have to confine me to camp for a quarter moon! That's not fair! I helped in the battle! I fought off two cats, with almost no battle training of my own! I should by rewarded, or at least a friendly "good job" would do!

                "Sandpaw, I told you that you shouldn't have come," Moonpaw meowed, noticing that Sandpaw was so mad.

                "I know, I know!" Sandpaw growled. "It's my fault; I shouldn't have come to the battle when Acornstar didn't tell me to! I know, Moonpaw! And it's my fault that I am stuck here!"

                Sandpaw had been stuck in camp for three sunrises already, and it was already getting to her head. She hated being locked in camp when she could be running through the forest, learning hunting skills and fighting skills and being free. Sandpaw sighed and padded out of the apprentices den. She watched Moonpaw head back over to the medicine cat's den and then she padded over to the elders den. She was also going to have to pluck fleas and ticks off of the elders’ pelts. Sandpaw noticed that Moonpaw had already left the mouse bile at the entrance of the den. Why did I have to get punished for helping? It's so unfair! No one understands what it's like to get punished for helping you clan! No one ever gets punished for hunting or practicing or cleaning bedding!

                "Sandpaw, are you coming?" A cat called from inside the den.

                "Yes Brairsong," Sandpaw meowed. Sandpaw was glad that one of the elders was kind.

                Sandpaw padded into the den and started checking the elders’ pelts for ticks.

                "Sandpaw, would you like to hear a story while you work?" Brairsong asked.

                Sandpaw nodded, unable to talk with the mouse bile in her mouth. So, as Sandpaw worked, she also listened to Brairsong's story.

                "One time, a long time ago, before me, Whiteface, or even Deafleaf was even born, there was this time when it rained for countless sunrises. No cat could go out hunting without getting soaked, and the medicine cat's den was full of cats, all sick from the cold and rain. But one cat had to feed the clan, even if no other cats would . . ."

                "Yellowflame!" A gray cat called. The gray cat was named Graywater. "Why do you insist on hunting? You know that you will just end up sick like all of the rest!"

                "If no one hunts, who will feed the clan?" Yellowflame asked. She turned around and left the shelter of the warriors den and raced out through the dark morning, the sun was blocked by the clouds that covered the sky, pouring down rain.

                "I will save the clan," Yellowflame told herself as she hunted.

                After she had caught a rabbit, three mice, five shrews, moles and voles, a thrush and two squirrels, she headed back to camp. Brave Yellowflame gave prey to all of the cats in the clan, and she only took a small mouse for herself. The next morning, Yellowflame woke up sneezing. Oh no! She thought. I can't be sick! Yellowflame then headed out of camp before any other cat was awake. The stars of StarClan were still out, waiting for Yellowflame to come.

Words From The Stars; The Heart of a Warriorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें