Chapter 45 - Fever

Start from the beginning


I quickly ran back up the hill, jumping in Betty and driving her back down to Rick who was now standing by the pig pen with Daryl. The others remained on the fence. Daryl lowered the tailgate and rick threw a big wooden crate onto the back before we started to round up the piglets and placed them in it. I got behind the wheel with Daryl beside me and Rick in the back with the pigs.

"Pull up in there." Daryl pointed before yelling out the window at Rick. "Ready?!"

Rick readied himself in the back and nodded at the rear vision mirror as a yes. I pulled the truck to a stop and a few walkers on the fence noticed, turning to start their way over to us. Their drawn away attention was then noticed by the others and soon they were all making their way over to the idling truck.

"Lets go." Daryl said as I moved the truck into first gear.

Rick picked up a pig that started squealing before he grabbed his knife and cut along its back leg and then let it go. I cringed at the sound, but kept going, moving the truck forward towards the forest as Rick grabbed the second piglet. On and on it went, leaving the trail away from the fence until there were no more left. The others went straight to fixing the fence, using big wooden beams to secure it.

When it was done Rick got to pulling down the pig pen to burn the wood. We went back to the courtyard, but didn't go into C block, not wanting to risk it. It was another hot day, worse than the one before in fact. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail to get it off the back of my neck.

"There's more people heading out to dig the graves." Daryl informed.

"I'll come and help in a minute. Just going to get some water."

"You don't have to. There'll be enough of us to take care of it."

"Daryl." We heard Rick's voice before we saw him. "Karen and David are dead." He stated, not wasting any time.

"What?" I half whispered in surprise. "From the sickness? Already?"

"No." Rick shook his head. "Come on." He nodded for us to follow him.

He led us out to where Tyreese stood over their bodies and Carol stood off to the side. On the way Rick had explained that Ty had found them. They were burnt, their bodies nothing but charcoal in the shape of a person. It hadn't been long, smoke still rose from their bodies. Whoever it was didn't waste any time. It had only been a couple of hours since we'd isolated them.

"I came to see Karen." Tyreese explained. "I saw the blood on the floor." He gestured with his hand up and down along the ground where the paths of blood led to the bodies. "Then I smelt it." His voice was soft, weak. "Somebody dragged 'em out here!" Now he yelled in anger. "And set 'em on fire! They killed 'em and set 'em on fire!"

Tyreese stared at the bodies for a moment and then turned on Rick, quickly stepping over to him, getting in his face. Daryl quickly moved to position himself behind Tyreese, not trusting the man to not act out in anger just like he looked like he was about to do.

"You were a cop." Tyreese stated. "You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!" There was a moment of silence. "I need to say it again?"

"No, no, no." Rick shook his head, keeping his voice low. "I know what you're feeling. I've been there, you saw me there. It's dangerous."

"Karen didn't deserve this!" Ty quickly cut in. "David didn't deserve it! Nobody does!"

Daryl stepped forward, wanting to pull Tyreese back a bit. "Alright, come on..."

Ty span around, shrugging Daryl off before pushing him back and pinning him against the wall. "I ain't going anywhere until I find out who did this!"

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