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Widowmaker POV for whole chapter


Do you, Amelie , take Gerard Lacroix as your husband?

I stared at him, filled with love.

"I do."

Do you, Gerard Lacroix, take Amelie as your wedded wife?

He smiled at me, filled with passion.

"I do."

You may now kiss the bride~

That memory flooded me as I was trapped in a tank filled with water, the only source of oxygen from the black mask they attached to me, and the tubes connecting to several places. I saw a man with a skull mask look at me, chuckling. 

"If we can't have Gerard, we'll take something he loves. And hurt her real...bad." He motioned a man in a grey coat, wearing a white mask, also laughing.

"Brother, one day, you and me will rise once again, and we'll kill [Y/N]'s father once and for all." They looked at each other, smiles masked behind their faces. The grey coat man pressed a few buttons and I felt a pain unimaginable, shock filled my entire body, tears found my eyes. I screamed. 

His snores filled the entire room, my golden eyes latched onto him. He looked so peaceful, lying on the bed, arm wrapping around nothing but an blanket, as if he missed his loving wife, Amelie. But she is no more, she's widowmaker now. Who loves nothing but death. I nuzzled the rifle barrel at his head, no tears came out.

"Au Revoir, Gerard." And his blood seeped the white sheets, staining them a stunning red. I walked out the window, with no hesitation nor regret. I went back to Talon. 

But Y/N was diffrent, when I met him, I felt something crawl out of my heart, as if Amelie was still in me. When we first met, and his e/c orbs locked on mine. I saw myself, reflecting on his eyes. I looked desperate to be free, to be pointed at gunpoint, to stop this suffering that was instilled to me. The next moment, he caught me, I wanted to be caught. I wanted to leave Talon, he saved me. The next moment, I fell in love with his charming smile, his laugh and his beautiful and soft h/c hair. I felt emotion, once we declared our love for each other. I could never have been more happy. 

I was given a second chance, and I wish to make it better.

I truly, do love you [Y/N]. 

I was currently reading a book, as [Y/N] was in a mission, relating to the recent incident that happened. No one was here, and I was put off from the mission, as many others worry that the tension between me and Y/N will cause problems. As if we'll lose our aim and such, but we had no problems whatsoever, we still go out like a normal couple. And I recently moved in, and we had no relationship problems. I sighed, it was boring not to do anything at all, back in talon, I was put to work every single hour of the day. Killing targets was just what I did for the time I was 'brainwashed'. Overwatch was much more...relaxing I should say, and Y/N was certainly fit for this agency, as he was very friendly, often saving me trouble from escaping incidents where it gets awkward between me and someone else. 

I got up from the chair I was in and walked around Y/N's apartment, Chat noir was currently sleeping, and I had no means to disturb her, as I had no reason to do so. Y/N taught me how to make coffee, and it did help my fatigue, mainly because books were the only hobby I had, and the only hobby that I remember I loved doing before I turned into Widowmaker. Gerard was a bookshop owner I remember, and we met by me attending his shop a little too often to borrow books. Y/N reminded me of him, as they were both kind and handsome. I flexed, stretching my muscles. 

I really do admire Y/N.

This world is so wretched and cruel, I killed someone who was the most dearest to him, yet he still considers himself loving me. I am a monster, something that should never exist. I looked at myself in the mirror, grimacing on how I have blue skin, and how people stared as if I was foreign to them. Children never approach me, and adults alike. 

"I'm disgusting." I mumbled to myself, I've killed so many human beings, omnics, yet I felt that each one of their lives were worthless. I knew the pain, when Y/N got shot to save me, I felt that exact moment, where I felt I lost everything. 

"Don't beat yourself Amelie, it wasn't your fault, I love you, inside and out." He told me this when we were cuddling with each other, both warm in each other's embrace. He made me realise that I was human. I could have emotion. Before I continued my thoughts, I felt my phone vibrate on the glass table, creating a slight chirr sound. I grabbed the phone, and picked up.

"Hello?" I smiled knowing who it was. 

"Hey Spider! We finished the mission, we didn't find anything useful, and we don't know his name yet. But we found this white mask on his table of some sort. Do you-" My mind was flooded knowing that man. He was the same man who was doing experiments on me, who Reaper called him-Brother-. 

"Come back home cheri, I have something to tell you." He responded a yes and hung up. I sat down on the couch, staring at the white painted wall. 

I heard the door open and close, followed along with the silent yet constant mewls and purrs coming from the black pelted feline. I stood up, and kissed him, we didn't say anything, and we didn't have to. 

"So? What did you want to tell me?" I led him to the bed, we sat across from each other, eyes locked.

"The white mask belongs to that man, and I remember clearly, but I'm not sure if it was a dream or not but-" I looked at the outside window, staring at the skyscrapers, tapping the sheets with purpose.

"That man, who tortured and brainwashed me- is Montreal Reyes, brother of Gabriel Reyes." 

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