~Chinese New Year~

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It was officially Chinese new year, and We were busy decorating the headquaters, hoping to celebrate the event even if we were busy. I told them that I wasn't going, however they didn't object, they probably guessed I would spend time with Amelie. Walking out of my room just in time, I saw Amelie using her grapple hook to come closer to me then tenderly kissing me fully on the lips, I returned one back.

"Hello , Spider." She chuckled at her new nickname and beckoned me to follow her.

We entered her room, which I saw a newly added bookshelf, with a few more books on it. I can conclude overall that reading is what she spends her time on rather than friends, which is understandable. I remember having the thought of her moving in with me, but I had to ask her first before anything. She was busily tidying the stray bullets on her desk, cleaning up majority of the mess on the table.

"Hey Amelie?" She hummed in response.

"I was wondering...If you know...You want to move in with me? Not that it has to be answered now, just a thought." She didn't answer instead, she turned toward me and kissed my nose.

"I wouldn't mind, Cheri." I smiled at her, earning nothing more but a tint of pink on her cheeks, but to me, it was more than enough.

"So you want to meet at my place later on? To celebrate...The year of the rooster that's all." She nodded.

"Of course cheri, right now, I think we should help the others, they seem to be..in trouble." I turn to what she was implying, Toblerone (or Torbjorn I call him Toblerone.), on a tall ladder, trying to put the lanterns on. While bastion, tracer and mcree were laughing at him, covering up the screams of rage in my ears, I kissed Amelie and turned towards the door, leaving the assassin alone with her books. 

"Hey Bastion, want me to help with those?" Bastion was currently putting up Chinese idiom posters but end up putting a bullet in each one. He chirred in response and I took the posters from him, and glued each one in a row, knowing that Symmetra was behind me, making sure everything was straight and in line. After helping Bastion with the decorations, you went over joining tracer, to put little lanterns across the headquarters, even though she could zip across the place very quickly, I caught up to her. 

"Thanks Love!" I smiled back at her and returned back to where Amelie was, who was tying up her hair into a bun, wearing a traditional Chinese outfit (Her outfit is based off the spray for her for Lunar new year, she's wearing a 旗袍, which is qi pao). I accidentally let out a gasp causing her to turn around and smirk at me.

"What is it cheri? See something you like?" I blushed and turned away, instead of walking away in embarrassment, I go over to her and attach a flower decoration on her hair. She smiled at me and kissed me.

"I'll see you at your place then."

Time Skip 

After a few hours, I went back to my place and waited for Amelie, whilst preparing a bottle of wine. I cleaned up the whole place, and made sure my cat was groomed, as she was fond of my pet. Soon, Amelie was at my door, wearing her casual attire. I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to the outfit?"  She sighed.

"I ended up gaining a lot of attention, which I don't prefer." I smiled and led her to the couch, still standing asking her if she wanted wine. She nodded and I went to pour two glasses of wine, handing it to her we sat down and chatted for a while. We talked about her moving in, and our previous life, it was a nice chat and I invited her to go out to the balcony, which she gladly accepted. 

"So, let me get this straight, you..sometimes miss your shots but you say that you never miss?" She nodded slowly. 

"Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us snipers." I took a sip of my wine, sometimes swirling the alcoholic beverage. I sighed at the view, it was a bustling metropolis, filled with machinery, omnics and humans alike. Wondering how me and Amelie were together, I smiled.

"Cheri, what is on your mind." She reached over to me, putting her hand on mine as well as glancing out to the city.

I sighed.

"Just thinking that we abandoned, out teammates, our friends from celebration." She smiled.

"Don't worry cheri, I'm sure they understand, except for some." She hissed the last part and I chuckled knowing who she was referring to. 

"Well, the fireworks are about to start, want to say anything beforehand?" She didn't answer, instead, she kissed me. 

The fireworks were indeed excellent as they were foretold, a brilliant explosion of colours and the distant muffle of cheers rang throughout the metropolis, we leaned towards each other, each having a warm smile on our faces and watched the display.

Soon after, it was over and I was quite tired. Since in the morning we had a brief mission after we decorated the head quarters, I looked over to Amelie, who was already sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. I carried her (bridal style if you wish) and put her gently down on my bed. Smiling at her, I took care of the already empty wine glasses and went back to her, caressing her hair. It was soft to the touch, and after hearing her gentle purrs, I had a hue of red streaked across my face. I was the only one who knew this side of Amelie. Her eyes opened, gleaming a captivating golden glow towards me. She put her arms around my shoulders, dragged me down and shuffled towards me, nuzzling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. 

Third Person POV


Amelie and [Y/N] were embracing each others warmth and sleeping, what [Y/N] didn't know was that Amelie was still awake.

"Bonne année mon amour."  She whispered.


Thanks for reading guys hope you enjoy it. Happy New Year guys! Hope you guys have a great day/evening! 

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