Chapter 32 ~ A Talk With Grace.

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Serena gently releases from Ash's grip, and turns to face Dawn and Gary.

"It's getting awfully late, you two." Serena says in concern. "You better go home."

Dawn pouts, "How about you and Ash?"

Ash chuckles, "Well you see, I-"

"Awe! Ashy-Boy's going to hang out with Serry-Berry tonight!" Gary teasingly says.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are not!"

"Are to- Gary!" Ash exclaims, smacking the mahogany-haired boy's head.

Dawn sighs, "See? This is Pallet-"

"Shut it, Dawn!" Gary and Ash say simultaneously, cutting Dawn off.

The two continued bickering, as Dawn groans loudly.

"Hey Serena, my mom's been competing in several contests, y'know, to earn the title of Top Coordinator." Dawn says.

Serena smiles, "Johanna? I've seen her compete! She's a very talented woman, Dawn!"

Dawn sighs, looking at the stars that began to arise above her. "I want to be just like her. I want to be a Coordinator. And Piplup will be there with me, every step of the way."

Serena nods. She always admired how Dawn gets most of her inspiration from her mother. She always looks up to her. Dawn reminds Serena of Ash.

"Anyways." Dawn says, causing Serena to jolt out of her thoughts. "I was wondering if I could stay for the night. I know Ash-"

"Of course, Dee Dee!" Serena exclaims, embracing her friend into a tight hug. "You're always welcome!"

Dawn returns the hug, "Oh! Thanks SERE!"

Serena and Dawn face their other friends, who're both, still arguing.

"Gary, you're so childish!"


"For the last time! MY SHOES ARENT VELCRO!"

Serena turns to Pikachu, who had leaped off of off Ash's shoulder. "Pikachu? Do me a favor?"

Pikachu nods determinedlyin response. It's cheeks began to spark with electricity.

Serena smirks, "Pikachu, USE THUNDERBOLT!" She exclaims.

"PIKKKAAAAAAA....CHUUUUUUU!" He exclaims, shocking the bickering teenagers.

"SHUT. UP!" Serena shouts, causing a few Pidgeots to fly out of their trees.

Ash, and Gary's face began to soften. "Oh man...we... broke... the bro-code!" Gary wheezed.

Ash's face fell dramatically. "Yo, I'm sorry Gare-Bear!"

"I'm sorry too, Ashy-Boy!" Gary cries.

Dawn rolls her eyes, "Sometimes, Id think of staying miles away from them, just so I wouldn't get embarrassed." she mumbles.

Serena's eyes lit up, "Hey Gary! You available for the whole night?"

Gary raises a brow, "Yeah, I guess. Pops has to stay overnight at the lab. Research and whatsoever."

Serena giggles, "Why don't we all have a sleepover? My place!" Serena suggests.

Ash pouts, "Serena! I thought it was just us."

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