Chapter 5 ~ An Incident

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It was now Friday, the day the project needed to be turned in. A week has passed. Ash, Serena, Dawn, and Gary became the best of friends, like they've known each other ever since they came out of the womb.

The school bell rings.

Serena checks the time, "8:32." Ever since Karaoke Night, Ash and Serena agreed they'd wait for each other, every morning before Biology.

Serena takes a step forward, only to be stopped by arms, wrapping around her waist.

"You were about to leave, Blondie?" Ash pouts, spinning her around to face him.

Serena raises an eyebrow, "Ash, I can't keep waiting like this every morning if you're going to be late." she says.

Ash sighs, "Alright, I'll come earlier next time.

He holds his pinky out, "I pinky-promise."

Serena sighs, and wraps her pinky around his. She then slaps his arm, "You are such a kid." she complains, as she enters the door.

Ash shrugs, "it's what the ladies love about me." He winks at a girl, making her faint. More girls start coming through, as Serena starts to fight the crowd. She looked down, however, she didn't know where she went.

Eventually, she found her way to her seat, and sat with Dawn and Gary.

Dawn turns to Serena, "Where's Ash?" Serena takes her pencil out, and rhythmically tapped it on her desk.

She points to the crowd of girls behind her, as Gary laughs.

"Ouch, it's a girl-mania back there." Gary chuckles, "What'll my pops think of this?"

Dawn giggles, "He may consider throwing all the girls out. Well, them or Ash."

Serena rolls her eyes, mumbling, "Whatever."

Gary notices the change of attitude. "Are you alright, Serry Berry?"

Serena nods, "I guess. I mean, ever since our kiss last Saturday, he acted like nothing ever happened. Serena scoffs, "he hasn't even ask me out on a date yet."

Gary nods, "Well, I know Ashy-Boy. I mean, have you noticed the way he treats, and acts around you than other girls?"

Dawn nods, placing a hand on Serena's shoulder. "Gary's right, Sere. I mean, you're his first kiss. Possibly his first love. Give him some time, he'll come around."

Gary and Dawn give Serena a warm smile.

Gary grins, "Group hug!" he exclaims, tackling Serena and Dawn into a big hug. The girls giggle, and hugs him back.

"Group hug, without me?" Oh what a shame." Ash pouts.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Ash asks, sitting down.

Dawn shrugs, "Actually, you."

Ash smirks, "My favorite subject."

Serena rolls her eyes, mumbling, "You're so full of yourself."

Ash turns to look at Serena, "You alright, Blondie? You seem a bit off."

Serena sighs, and glues her eyes down on her lap. "I'm fine, Ash."

Ash shrugs, "So, Miette invited me to her party tonight at 9, and she said I can bring my friends. Would you guys like to come?"

Dawn raises an eyebrow, "Miette? As in the Miette? The school bitch?"

Gary nods, "Yeah, her."

Serena raises her head up, "Miette? Why would she invite you?"

Ash chuckles, "You're kidding Sere, look at me!" he exclaims.

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