Chapter 28 ~ The Lumiose Siblings!

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"Hey Serena." Ash whispers.

Serena sighs, slamming her pencil down. "What now, Ash?"

"Can I copy your math homework?"


"I'll give you a kiss."

"In that case, hell no."

"Aww, worth a try."

Serena pouts, "Ash, you're capable of doing your own math homework! Stop relying on others."

Ash leans back on his hair, "Fine, mom."

Dawn butts in, "Stop bickering like a married couple, both of you get back to work!"

"Yeah, Professor Sycamore will put us all in detention, if you guys won't shut up!" He exclaims, receiving glares from a couple of the students.

Professor Sycamore looked at the four, anguish plastered on his face. "Ash, Serena, Dawn, and Gary...detention!" He exclaims, slapping his hand on Serena's desk.

Ash groans, "Thanks a lot, Gary!" he loudly whispers.

Gary sends apologetic looks to his friends, lamenting the fact that he got them all in trouble.

"B-but I-I've never been in detention before!" Serena panics, pressing her hands against her cheeks.

Dawn places a hand on Serena's. "Me too! Oh gosh, Ash, what's it like?"

Ash raises a brow, "Hey! What makes you think that I've been in detention before?"

Gary crosses his arms, "Well, I mean, look at you."

Ash pouts, "Detention takes place in Mr. Oak's classroom, during lunch hour. You'll have to stay inside, NO interacting with others, whatsoever."

"POPS WILL BE THERE!? Oh man, what do I do?" Exclaims Gary.

Serena shrugs, "We'll just have to find out."


Timeskip to Detention.....

"This sucks!" Dawn mutters under her breath.

"No kidding." Serena replies, mumbling.

Ash taps his pencil on the desk, "It's not that bad, guys, I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Attention, Shalour High students." A booming voice speaks. "Detention will be extended, from lunch hour throughout the last two periods. Have a great day!"

Gary sighs, "Ash, I swear to God, you're a jinx."

"I guess I spoke too soon." Ash chuckles, scratching the tip of his nose.

"Clemont! I'm sorry!" A voice chirps.

"Bonnie, I told you this morning! Don't get me in trouble!" Another voice chirps.

The door widens, revealing a boy with lemon-blonde hair, along with rounded glasses, and a sky-blue jumper. Clemont.

Then comes his sister, a short, tiny little girl, her lemon-blonde hair into a side ponytail, along with the most adorable outfit.

Ash smiles, "CLEMONT! BONNIE! Nice to see you guys again!"

The siblings stop bickering, and turned to face Ash, huge grins plastered on their faces.

"Ash!" Bonnie exclaims, tackling the raven-haired boy into a hug.

Ash lets out a chuckle, "Nice to see you, little one!" he says, ruffling her hair.

Clemont smiles, "Hey, Ash! How's it going?"

Ash shakes Clemont's hand, "I'm fine! So glad to see you guys again. So, how'd you get in detention anyways?"

Clemont sighs, "Well, you see-"

Bonnie cuts him off, and ran towards Serena, kneeling on one knee.

"YOU'RE A KEEPER! PLEASE take care of my brother!" Bonnie exclaims.

"I-I'm a keeper?" Serena stutters.

Clemont facepalms, "That's why."

Dawn giggles, "What a strange little girl."

Bonnie pouts, grabbing Serena's hand. "What's your name, keeper?"

Serena smiles, "I'm Serena!"

"As I was saying..." Clemont continues. "My dad had to be out for the day, and there was no one we could trust enough to take care of Bonnie. So, I had no bit to bring her to school. I thought she'd behave, I really did! But she's been interrupting lessons..."

Ash nods, "Wow. It must be great to have a sibling."

Clemont nods in agreement, as he adjusts his glasses, focusing on the honey-blonde's locket.

"Hey Ash, isn't that the same locket my father sold to you a couple weeks ago?" Clemont curiously asks.

Ash chuckles, wrapping an arm around Serena's waist, "Yeah. She's the special girl I was talking about."

Bonnie pouts again, "Sorry big brother, she's taken. That's a shame, she's SO pretty!"

Serena awkwardly smiles. "Uhm, actually, I'm not take-"


"Then why don't you have a girlfriend?" Gary teasingly asks.

Clemont gives a cheeky smile, "Well, you see, I-"

"Because he's a dope. A nerd like him can't find a girl himself, so that's why I'M there to help him!" Bonnie interrupts.

Dawn laughs, "Well! Wasn't that straightforward?"

Ash smiles, "Let me introduce you to my other friends. That's Dawn, and that's Gary."

Gary and Dawn smile, "Nice to meet you, Clemont and Bonnie!" they say simultaneously.

Bonnie scurries over to Dawn, kneeling on one knee. "DAWN! YOU'RE A KEEP-"

"Sorry kiddo, Dawn's my girlfriend." Gary interrupts.

Bonnie sighs, "Well, this is going to be harder than I thought it would."

"Bonnie! PLEASE stop!" Clemont whines.

Serena giggles. "Well, we better get to our seats, before Mr. Oak comes in and-"

"Well, well, well! What a crowd we have here!" Mr.Oak exclaims. "Gary? Is that you, my son?"

Gary attempts to hide by crouching behind Ash, Serena, and Dawn. "No, it isn't!"

Mr. Oak facepalms, "My boy, I can't believe you got yourself in detention! But then again, I had it coming."

"POPS!" Gary exclaims.


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