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 The breezy September air magically made everyone tighten their scarves in Kings Cross Station. Rose Weasley watched in fascination as dozen of figures in black robes emerged from the busy crowd. It was amazing how effortlessly the wizards and witches seemed to be blending in with the muggles, and yet from Rosie's point of view, they were as different as humanly possible.

"Rosie, come on! The train is almost moving!" Her mother, Hermione, shouted from behind. Her hands waving furiously, telling Rosie it was time to get a move on.

"Coming!" Rosie yelled back, finally tearing her gaze from the crowd and making her way to the entrance of the infamous platform 9 3/4. Oh, the stories she had heard. Of a boy who knew nothing of the wizarding world, and the two boys who, when unable to get into the platform, flew a magic car straight to Hogwarts. 

The brick wall seemed as real as any other, but Rosie knew better. She held onto her cart tightly and started with a small run that changed into a full sprint within seconds. The brick wall stared into her eyes, and just when she expected to hear a clash, the solid wall was replaced with a blast of cool air. The air rushing through Rosie's ears made a whoosh sound, as if it were desperate to be the first one to welcome her into the magical school, Hogwarts.

It ended before Rosie could thoroughly process anything. She was standing on solid ground again, and the sight before her made her suck in a breath. "Wow." She exclaimed, mostly to herself.

"I know, right?" A boy next to her nodded in agreement. Rosie broke into a grin as she recognized him, "Al!" She said as a greeting. Albus Severus Potter smiled in return, extending his arms and embracing her into a hug.

A few whistles could be heard, Rosie ignored them all. She and Albert were just really good friends who also happened to be cousins, too. They'd been living together ever since they could remember, and they were really, really close

"You excited?" Rosie asked, retreating from the hug.

"Sure." Al replied, though he didn't sound so sure. Rosie could tell by the slight frown on his face that something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She was very proud of how well she knew Al, she was always the first, if not the only, one to notice whenever he was upset.

Before he could answer, though, a giant horn sounded. Signaling the time of when the train was due to depart. Harry Potter strode toward them, with Ginny following closely behind. They both wore a warm smile with a little bit of sadness.

Rosie pulled her uncle aside and whispered a few words into his ears, Harry nodded in understanding and went to Al. He squatted down so he was at the same level as Al, and started saying something to him. Rosie caught a few words, but seeing Al's face relax and transformed into a smile was much more important.

A tap on her shoulder woke her from her own thoughts. She spun around and came face to face with Hermione. "Hey! mum." She said.

"Rosie." Hermione said, then without another word, she pulled her into a hug. "I'm going to miss you very, very much." She could hear the smile in her voice as she whispered "I snuck a few more books into your case. I know dad doesn't approve of heavy cases caused by books, but I do."

Rosie patted her mother's shoulder with a grin "I love you. And I'm going to miss you and dad a lot, too!" Then with a kiss on her forehead, Hermione sent Rosie to her father.

"Dad," Rosie said. She could do without her mother's constant nagging, but she was sure going to miss Ron's silly comments.

"Darling," Ron began, but then broke down. He squeezed her with all his strength and said "I'm going to write you letters every single day. I might just send a Howler screaming I miss you!"

Rosie chuckled wetly "Oh no, please don't, dad." Then they both laughed together. The horn sounded again and Ron took her hand and led her to the door. "Bye, sweetheart!"

"See you, dad!" 


Rose Weasley and the Time TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now