The truth hurts...

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Rosie couldn't move, she was trapped in the horror movie going on in her head....

Voldemort was not in the hallway, which meant that he had escaped.

And if he escaped, that meant that he was alive. ALIVE. A moving blood and flesh, a killing machine set free by her.

She couldn't bear it, her whole system exploded and tear was all over her face before she knew it.

"Rosie breathe! Breathe! One, two. One two." Someone was patting her on the shoulder, she didn't bother to turn around to see who it was. There was no need to because she knew who it was, Mcgonagall.

Slowly,. her breath slowed and her heart went back to normal. Rosie was now staring blankly at the sword in front of her.

"It's all my fault...I could have killed him...I could have...but I didn't.. I...I let him's all fault! MINE!" Rosie whispered, not to anyone specific. It was all her fault, she could have killed him..but she had let the darkest wizard of all time escaped..escaped..alive...

"No, it's not yours..not yours..of all people, it should be mine. I could've secured the castle, the security wasn't good enough, how else could the Dark lord had got in?" Mcgonagall said,sighing.

Suddenly, a horrible thought came over Rosie..What if Voldemort was still inside the castle? What if he never really left?

"Professor?" Rosie asked with her cracked voice." Is it possible that the dark lord is still in here?"

"I don't know Rosie, might be possible." Mcgonagall closed her eyes for a second and said "We'll need to evacuate the students." She sounds calm.

Leaving the school? "Forever?" That'd be a total nightmare.

"It's almost the end of the school year, I think we'll just wait until then. Hogwarts is still safe, people who just came back from death do not have the power they had before they die so I guess Voldemort is still weak. That doesn't mean we can underestimate him though." Mcgonagall said.

Rosie nodded, no one could underestimate the dark lord.

"Thank you professor,I think I should go visit Al now." Rosie said,wiping away her tear stain.

Mcgonagall nodded "give him my blessing, hope he gets well soon."

Rosie smiled "of course."

She stood up and pushed her chair in, and flattened her robe. That was when a folded parchment fell out of her pocket.

The headmistress bent down and pick the parchment up,opening it.

"The battle of Hogwarts; the death of the dark lord;a shame no death eaters should forget."Mcgonagall read slowly and clearly,frowning slightly.

Rosie gasped,she was So busy with the time Turner thing she'd forgotten to tell Mcgonagall about the letter.

She raised her head and saw Mcgonagall looking at her, with an eyebrow raised "Care to explain?"

"When I was sleeping on the second day of school I think, I found it in the clock. So I opened it and looked at it, but I didn't think deeply about what it might mean. I was too tired to do that, so I fell a sleep." She tilted her head, and remembered something "OH! And on that exact same night, I had a dream about a Christmas dinner in Hogwarts, with bunch of masked men trying to kidnap me."

Taking a deep breath, she got ready for Mcgonagall's answer. "Rosie, they all mean something. What? I don't know. We'll see."

Rosie had always thought that all those stuff were just some trick to scare her, but Mcgonagall seemed to think different. Her eyebrows were stitched close together, and she was thinking hard.

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