Fluffy pillow

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Hey!! I'm back!!! I'm going to try to upload as much as possible before I go back to Taiwan~~


Rosie lifted her head to try to look at the clock, but a pile of books were blocking her view. She moved the pile of books away, and one of them dropped and fell to the floor. The book was The history of Magic , Rosie gasped and realize they she had not yet review for that subject! She picked that book up and started revising, writing down any important note.

After spending three hours in the library, Rosie decided to go back to the common room. She walked up to the fat lady and whispered tiredly "Chocolate frogs are frogs-" Expecting the fat lady to swing forward, but instead, she got rejected.

"Nope, wrong password. We changed it after dinner, and I can't let you in this time. Minerva was angry at me for letting people in without the right password." The fat lady said pitifully

Rosie knew that there was no way for her to get in, because it was impossible to guess the password. The fat lady creates very weird passwords that was hard to guess but easy to remember, like last week the password was "password" and the week before that it was "Dumbledore was fat" .

So she sat down in front of the painting and waited patiently for someone who knew the password to come. She was drifting into an uncomfortable sleep when she heard the screech.


Rosie's eyes snapped opened and tried to find the source of the voice, there was footsteps coming from the corner, it was getting clearer and clearer, which only means that the person was coming closer.

and then an horrible looking old man came out from the corner.

Damn, it's Filch... Rosie thought.

"Hee Hee, detention!!" An ugly face appeared in front of Rosie, smiling his creepy smile.

"Wait here, you little brat, let me bring a teacher here." Filch grinned and then went away, leaving Mrs Norris with Rosie.

A shiver came up, she felt like the teacher Filch was bringing was no other than Lestrange.

Mrs Norris was cleaning her paws, but not taking her eyes off Rosie. That cat must be evil, thought Rosie. Moving to the left, putting as much distance between herself and Mrs Norris as possible.

"Oh, Miss Weasley, we meet again." A deep voice came from the corner, it wasn't Lestrange. Rosie relaxed a little, but was still nervous. She turned her head to see Professor Whitetent walking toward her. He looked very kind.

"Pro-professor Whitetent... I can explain this, I-" Rosie tried to explain but Filch cut in

"No, sir, don't listen to this little girl, she's a liar. She was out of bed and she deserves punishment!" Filch said while combing Mrs Norris's fur.

Professor Whitetent raised his hand for silence "Argus, why don't you go to the other common rooms and check on them. I'll deal with Miss Weasley."

Filch was about to protest when a noise came from behind the wall

"Umh.. yes, sir, I'll go check on that." He said, trying to be respectful and went away with Mrs Norris following close behind.

Rosie silently thanked the person/objects that made the noise.

"So, Rosie, mind telling me why you're sleeping in the cold hallway?" Whitetent asked, not unkindly.

"So, I kind of forgot the password. I mean I wasn't here when the fat lady told them the password.." Rosie explained.

Whitetent chuckled and said "Yeh, that always happen.. But where were you when the password was changed? Just curious..."

"I was in the school library, you know, for the end of year exam. I still got so much to review and prepare for.." Rosie said, telling the truth.

"Ah, another hard working student, I see. Just like that, what was her name?" Whitetent tilted his head, trying to remember the name. "Oh right! Hermione Granger!! I was in seventh year when she first came to Hogwarts."

"Yeh.. Professor.. she's my mum... and how may I go into the common room? Sir?" Rosie replied politely, not wanting to spend the whole night chatting to Whitetent about her mum in the cold and dark hall way.

"Oh, no worries, let me just try to wake her up." Whitetent coughed, and woke the fat lady.

"Yes? Professor?" The fat lady opened her eyes lazily.

"Please allow Miss Weasley to go into the Common room, I giver her the permission." Whitetent said.

Rosie was already dreaming about her soft bed in the dormitory, and the fluffy pillow. She leaned on the cool wall, waiting for the fat lady to open the door. But she didn't...

"Sorry sir, but I only listen to the direction of the head of house. Call Minerva, I only follow her direction. Or else it's not safe." The fat lady crossed her arm.

"WHAT? BUT-"Whitetent started protesting

"No but, just go get her if you want to get this girl into the common room. Or wait till morning." The fat lady said grumpily. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you got Minerva." Then she closed her eyes again.

"FINE, I'll go get Professor Mcgonagall." Rosie stomped her feet and started to walk down the hall way, but then crashed into a body.

"Watch where you're going, you don't want to fall into hell" Rosie said impatiently, she couldn't believe getting into bed was so hard.

"Hey Watch your language!!" A voice said, Rosie slowly raised her head and saw a third year student, but he didn't seem to be paying much attention to her. He ran up to Professor Whitetent and said between his breath.

"Professor, Mcgonagall is......missing!!! There was blood in her office!!" He finished the sentence and then fell down, losing conscious.



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