Sorting TIME!!!

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"First years, follow me, this way, please.... Don't force me to use the speed charm on you! Come on!!" Shouted Professor WhiteTent, maneuvering his way through the thick crowd of Hogwarts students.

Rosie had to jog to keep up with the rest, then she heard the loud applauses.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Rosie faced the front and saw the person that was speaking. It was an old witch with black hair and intelligent blue eyes.

Must be the headmistress, Rosie thought.

"WELCOME FIRST YEARS! I am Professor Mcgonagall, your headmistress here in Hogwarts. Before you take your seats, all of you need to be sorted into your Houses. Professor WhiteTent, would you please?" Mcgonagall sat down and let Professor Whitetent take over.

"Now now, when I call your name, first years. Please come up and sit on this stool, then put the Sorting Hat on. Before that, let's hear the song!" Professor WhiteTent said.

The stool was in front of the teachers' table, and on top of it sat a black wizard hat, its mouth opened. Rosie started when Al jumped back with a shriek. Causing someone on the Gryffindor table to giggle.

Rosie looked back and saw James covering his mouth, trying to control his laughter. Al must have seen it too, because he quickly took a step forward again, puffing out his chest and mumbling words of encouragement to himself. A grin formed on Rosie's face.

The sorting hat started to sing, completely oblivious to what was going on. 

"I've been in Hogwarts for, oh, how many years

No, no. I can't remember. 

Helped sort how many students?

No, no. Still can't remember. 

Been through so much


Brave and Adventurous


Hard-working and dedicated


Smart and clever


Ambitious and determine

Oh, how I love being the Sorting Hat"

When the sorting hat finished, Rosie started wondering why none of the students were singing along, but that wasn't the the most important matter at hand. The Sorting Ceremony had begun. 

"Rolander Lucus" Called Professor Whitetent.

A boy with black curly hair went up, shakily, almost falling over from tripping on the steps. Rosie held back a giggle.

Rolander went and sit on the chair, then Professor Whitetent put the sorting hat on to his head.

"AH, a Lucus!! Umh... Hardworking aren't ya ? let's see.... HUFFLEPUFF!!" The sorting hat mumbled and then shouted the last word for everyone to hear.

The Hufflepuff table burst out with cheers and claps, welcoming Rolander to their House.

"Albus Potter" Murmurs could be heard from all four tables, but especially Gryffindor. The Potter name would probably remain etched in every wizard's head for generations to come. Rosie almost felt bad for Al. Some people thrived under that kind of attention, Al didn't.

Al walked up the stair, his hands seemed to be shaking. Rosie could feel her hands sweating, too. 

As Al seated himself on the chair, Professor Whitetent gently put the sorting hat on his head. The sorting hat started to mumble and sway "Ooh, another Potter huh? I see.. still remember that ol' Harry Potter, begging me not to put him in Slytherin." then it stopped and seemed to think for a while

"Potter, hum, potter. How would you like to be in your father's house?"

Rosie saw Al nodding his head eagerly, almost throwing the sorting hat off.


Cheers and claps and standing ovations broke out from the Gryffindor table, everyone seemed to be cheering, even the people from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. But not Slytherin. Old tradition? Rosie could only guess.

"Rose, Weasley"

Rosie froze, did she hear wrong? Was it her turn? how was it so quick? she remembered four students being sorted. One in Slytherin, two in Ravenclaw and one in Gryffindor

"Rose, Weasley, please" Professor Whitetent repeated himself, this time more loudly. 

Rosie inhaled, turned and walked up to the stool. She sat down and waited. Something very...wiggly...made contact with her head, it seemed to be controlling her head instead of being controlled by her head.

She heard the sorting hat whisper " Weasley? Umh... first Weasley after Ginny? I see the red hair gene is still going strong. Loving it. let's see.. How about , GRYFFINDOR!!" The amplified last word smoothed the lump in her heart, instantly brightening the day (or night). 

Rosie almost jumped from the stool, but carefully waited for the professor to take the hat off. Then she ran to the Gryffindor table.

Someone patted her shoulder, others shook hands with her. She was so happy, she felt welcomed and warm inside.

Then she heard the hat shout.


She whipped her head to the front and saw Scorpius Malfoy. He looked happy, it must be because he was in the same house every single Malfoys was in. When he walked past the Gryffindor table to the Slytherin table, he gave her an evil glare. 

Rosie decided to ignore it, because her attention of more focused on the sorting ceremony. Ly and Lorc had gotten sorted into different Houses, Ly was in Gryffindor and Lorc got into Ravenclaw. He didn't look too happy about it though. But Rosie thought that Ravenclaw was the right group for Lorc, because he looked smart, like someone who wouldn't mind calling a library home. 

Professor Mcgonagall waved her hands lightly, and all the tables were filled with food. Chicken and bread and all the food Rosie could ever crave for. 

But suddenly, Rosie felt her plate moving on its own, she looked to Al and saw that his was moving too.... they whipped their heads around and saw........




(This Chapter Has Been Edited) 

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