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Rosie took a deep breath, she knew that she should walk over and make sure the man was actually dead. But she didn't have the courage or the energy to do So.

She never dreamed to charge the dark lord like that,face to face. Rosie's intention was to go visit Al in the hospital wing, so she continue her trip and entered the door.

"Ro!! Are.you.okay? I heard that creepy yelp,it sent shiver down my spine." Lorc was sitting next to Laura.

"I told him it was just some naughty dogs,nothing to worry about."Laura mumbled sleepily. She must had been here since Rosie left for the headmistress 's office. She was the kind of girlfriend everyone want.

"No,it wasn't dogs or anything."Rosie replied

"What was it then?"Lorc asked white faced. Rosie grinned, boys...she thought.

"Doesn't matter now.how's Al?"

Lorc scratched his head.and said "the medicine Is not ready yet. Mrs Fredrick Is still working on it."
Rosie sighed,she was hoping to see an energized and happy Al when she entered hospital.

Lorc rubbed her back slowly,soothing her.
"DON'T worry. I'm sure it'll be ready soon." He reassured, Laura seemed to tire to even speak again. She was leaning against Al's body and her eyes were half closed. She seemed exhausted.

Rosie sighed, hoping that all of this would be better soon. "I hope we can be like we used to be." She whispered.

"I'm sure we will, soon."

Right after Lorc finished the sentence, the door opened with a click. And a woman entered the room with a medium size black pot in her hands, there was boiling brown liquid in side and even though it was no longer being heated the bubble kept popping up.

It was disgustingly disgusting, the level of its weirdness can't even be described by words. Rosie wanted to vomit, and Lorc was whimpering slightly.

"It that.....that.....is that the medicine?" Rosie asked, pointing toward the pot with a shaking finger. She thought that if she was in Al's position, she'd rather stay unconscious forever if she had to drink that pot of...umh...medicine.

"Well, what do you think it is? Coffee?" Mrs Fredrick asked grumpily. it seemed like she was up all night making the medicine, and Rosie understood the tiredness she felt because Rosie herself would gladly accept a pillow and a bed and just go to sleep. She was above exhaustion.

Lorc was muttering something, Rosie caught like two words. Old, toad.

She quietly nudged Lorc, the last thing they want now was to make the nurse unhappy. She might just suddenly decide to pour the medicine out on the grass and get back to sleep.

Mrs Fredrick walked straight to Al's clean white bed "I'll need some help, not like this boy would kick and yell, just need you guys to open his mouth."

"Will he swallow?" Lorc asked

"Course he will." The grumpy woman said, though Rosie was doubting it. She knew that they need to get going, Al couldn't just stay like that forever.

"C'mon." She said, and walked to Al. Lorc followed.

Rosie half squeeze half pulled Al's mouth opened, and Lorc pinned his head in place in case it rolls off to the side.

Silently, Mrs Fredrick began pouring that disgusting brown liquid into Al's mouth. It bubbled the whole way down his throat and into his stomach.

"Eww." Lorc said "I think I'm going to be sick."

Mrs Fredrick shot him a cold glare "I don't need another patient."

She dropped the pot and said "He's going to be awake sometime between three to four. So either stay in and be quiet or get the blood hell out."

"We'll stay." The two students said in unison, while sitting down on the two wooden chairs placed next to the bed.

"Well, stay all you like. I'm going to bed, try not to set fire to this place" The nurse gave them one last look and stormed away into her room, they could even hear the loud bang as she threw herself on to her bed.

Rosie turned and look at the clock on the wall, it said three. In the morning.

She leaned back and yawned, long day ahead and she didn't even sleep.

"Well?" Lorc said, not looking tired at all.

"Yeh?" Rosie mumbled

"Aren't you going to tell me what that yelp thing was? You know, when you weren't here."

That sent shiver down Rosie's spine, she had completely forgotten the battle with the dark lord. Not that Al's said it, she knew she had to tell a teacher and preferably Professor Mcgonagall. But first, she needed to tell Lorc.

"Oh right, so you know, Voldemort came back and wanted to kill me. So we had a fight and I killed him."

Before Rosie cold continue, Lorc was out of his seat. He was looking at Rosie like he'd just seen a ghost.

Rosie threw him a questioningly look.

"You just killed the darkest wizard of all time, and you're acting like you only stepped on an ant by accident!" Lorc exclaimed, not making any effort to hide his surprise.

Rosie shrugged "I don't know, should we celebrate then? Cuz I don't feel like it."

"No, you haven't tell anyone right? You should TELL someone!!!"

Before Rosie could tell him that that was just her thought seconds ago, a loud yawn cut her off.

"What's going on? Who killed the dark Lord?" Al's morning voice filled the room.



Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had a test and didn't have time to write. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story :)

Rose Weasley and the Time TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now