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Yoongi's eyes widened in shock and he stayed ridged on the rock for a few moments, watching as the pirate ship came closer and closer to shore. The yells and cheers of the crew could be heard from where he sat and fear washed over him. Without another thought he leaped from the rock and ran up the beach, back to the castle.

Guards in armour pushed past him from either side, trapping his body against pieces of metal and causing scratches to form on his arms as he ran past. They paid no mind to him - the pirates being a much more important issue - and ran down to the shore to await the vile criminals.

The terrified screams of citizens, both young and old, resounded around the town and Yoongi had to stop himself from running down there to help. Instead he ran up the stairs to the castle and barged through.

The whole place was a mess, if he didn't know any better he would have assumed that it had already been ransacked by pirates. Maids and guards were running about, afraid of the oncoming slaughter.

He made his way up the stairs to his bedroom to see a panicked Seokjin pacing back and forth. When the older boy caught sight of Yoongi he pulled him into his arms in a tight hold.

"You had me so worried Yoons... I thought the pirates had already got you."

Yoongi simply chuckled and pulled back slightly. "They're aren't even on shore yet."

Seokjin grimaced and looked behind Yoongi to the other servants running about. "We have to get you out of here. The guards have already secured your father, he asked me to find you and take you there too. It's our only hope for your survival. We can't allow the next heir to die."

Yoongi stopped the other from pulling him and looked up at him in confusion, "What about you, Jin? Will you be staying with me?"

He pressed his lips into a thin line already knowing that Yoongi was seeing right through him.

"I'm not leaving you alone here to die by some pirates hands!"

They were nearing the entry way of the castle before Yoongi pulled his hands back from Seokjin. The other looked at him with a mix of fear and frustration. "Don't act like this Yoongi. We have to get you to safety."

"You have to be safe too!"

Before Seokjin could argue anymore, Yoongi caught sight of Namjoon hastily discussing with some other guards.

"Namjoon!" The princes yells quickly caught the guards attention and Seokjin cursed under his breath.

"What are you doing Yoongi? Hurry up, I have to get you out of here."

Namjoon excused himself and rushed over to the boy, "What is it you need young prince."

"Do you know the nearest safe haven?" Namjoon immediately nodded, curiosity shinning in his eyes. "Good. Take Seokjin there now."

"But what about you? I can't allo-"

"I already know where it is, do not worry about me. Are you thinking of disobeying my orders?"

Namjoon frowned and Seokjin sent the boy a glare. "Yoongi, no! You're coming with-"

Yoongi once again cut the older boy off, his gaze fixated on Namjoon. "If you don't follow my orders and take Seokjin somewhere safe then he will die an excruciating death by the hands of a pirate. Do you wish for that to happen to him?"

A small smile formed on Yoongi's lips as he watched the guard tense up at the thought of Seokjin's death and he quickly shook his head. Without another word he gripped Seokjin's upper arm and began dragging him out of the castle.

Seokjin protested greatly, of course, calling out for Yoongi and a feeling of guilt washed over him as he noticed tears pricking at the corner of Seokjin's eyes. But it was for the best.

The boy's thrashing in Namjoon's grip - trying to get himself but to his young prince - caused the guard to have enough and he pulled the older boy up onto his shoulder, carrying him away.

Yoongi watched as the two disappeared from sight and shifted his gaze over to the beach that could be seen slightly from the entry way. The pirates had just landed and were now jumping off board, coming into contact with the castle guards.

He watched as the pirates cut down the guards one by one and started making their way up the stairs to the castle. Panic crashed over him like a wave and he felt sweat form on his brow. Shit. Maybe he should have gone with Seokjin. The yells of the pirates coming closer knocked Yoongi out of his thoughts. No. He had something he had to grab first, then he would leave.

Quick on his feet he dashed up the stairs to his fathers office. He heard footsteps rushing up the stairs and he cursed under his breath. Dammit, he thought pirates were full of diseases, why were they so fast? He could hear some servants screaming - having not escaped quick enough - and he felt like turning around to help but he knew there was nothing he could do so he continued.

He locked the door behind him, though that probably wouldn't do much and he began looking through the desk drawers. He started throwing papers out of the desk and the room soon looked like a mess and just as the pirates began banging on the door, something shiny caught his eye in his peripheral vision.

Pushing it into his pants pocket, he turned around and opened the window that looked down at the extremely steep hill - he could nearly call it a cliff - that led down to the sea. He pushed himself onto the windowsill and leaned out, slowly letting a foot down - afraid he would fall.

Just as he placed both feet steadily on the ground a rough hand gripped the back of his shirt and began pulling him back into the room.

"We found a kid! You think he the prince?"

"Aye, I'll take him to the ship. Ye deal with everyone else. Dead men tell no tales."

Yoongi struggled desperately in the pirates grip, but his weak body that hardly saw the light of yet let alone any sort of combat was no match for the man's strong arms. Three men stood in the room before him and the one that stood in the doorway of the room gave him a strong smirk and Yoongi shrunk back as he saw the man's toothless grin.

"I'm sure Captain Jung will find some use with him.

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