Chapter Ten

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[The Road To Recovery]


I sat against the door, trying not to listen in on their conversation, but also not being able to help myself.

"... therapy is an option," A muffled voice came through. I couldn't figure out who's, however.

"It's expensive..."

"I'll do it, I want to get better for you guys..." I couldn't hear his words that well, but I could only assume they belonged to Taehyung.

I knew that I had to wait in the room until Jimin came in to get me. They originally wanted me out there with them, talking to Taehyung... But it didn't feel like my time.

I couldn't invade on him and his friends. Not during a time like this. Besides... I still don't know if he hates me.

I stood from the ground, vision going black before coming back. All the blood I had lost just made me dizzy and lightheaded all the time. I walked over to my bed, pulling out a book as I figured this would take a while.

Eventually, I grew more and more tired. I couldn't tell if it was from all the blood loss or if I really was just tired. Either way, I found myself lying down for a midday nap.


"Jungkook, Jungkook wake up!" I hear Jimin's voice. Are they done talking already?

"Sorry, I must've really fallen asleep," I mutter, groaning as I sit up straight. "I only meant to close my eyes for a bit."

"It's okay," He smiled at me. I looked at his face, realizing how close we were. I looked away from him and stood up.

"Are the boys still here?" I asked, his brows furrowed.

"The boys? Oh, right. No, they left a while ago... I didn't have the heart to wake you, but, someone's here for you. Your parents?" Jimin muttered. My eyes went wide as I shook with fear.

"Just wait here, I'll go talk to them," I walked out of the room, leaving a confused Jimin behind.

My father and mother stood in the living room, both locking eyes with me when I exited the room. I closed the door behind me and walked over to them.

"Hello, mother, father," I addressed them both properly. They glanced at each other and started to laugh.

"You already made this conversation worse. Reminding us that you're our child," My father chuckled, clinking a glass of water with my mother. I looked away from them, already upset that they were here.

"Why are you here? What did I do this time?" I asked, holding back the anger I felt for them.

"You're telling me you don't know?" My father stood up. "When we got the message you were in the hospital we were so happy! You finally sucked it up and killed yourself. But then, you survived."

I held back bitter tears, gripping my arms as my father curse at me.

"I hope you see why we're disappointed. You surviving is one thing, but having to pay the hospital bill?" My mother spits. She glares at me, eyeing the bandages on my arm. "That's unacceptable."

My ears registered a bang before my body felt it. I look at my father, he was holding a gun pointed directly at me. I looked down, now noticing my bleeding stomach. I gasped for air as I fell down, crying out in pain.

Jimin came rushing out of my room, looking at me. But I didn't see any sort of shock, remorse, or anything.

"Finally, I won't have to deal with him anymore," He smirks at me. Tears pour out of my eyes as pain riddles my body.

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