When Crushes Sit With Rivals (The Real Thing)

Start bij het begin

"Now, Rainbow Dash, why don't you go and sit with..." Ms. Bustier pauses and scans the classroom, a hand on her chin. "..Marinette."

WHAT ?!!

But... I thought... Adrien...


"Marinette, can you please raise your hand ?" Ms. Bustier said. I grumpily do so, but I try not to show it. Rainbow Dash walks up to the bench and sits on the other side, behind Nino.

"Umm.. Hey." Rainbow Dash says, looking in my direction. 

"Hey." I reply monotonously, trying to hide the dissappointment in my voice.

"Is everything alright ? You seem a little..."

"I'm fine." I cut her.

"Okay, then." She says and looks ahead.

"That was rude, Marinette." Tikki says in a low voice.

"I know. I guess I'll apologize to her later." I say. I softly gasp as I see Adrien enter the classroom and apologize to Ms.Bustier. 

"..Meet me after class. And you might as well go sit with Lila. There's no other seat left." Ms.Bustier says. My eyes widen up in horror and I do all I can do to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor.

He's sitting with Lila. LILA. Of all people, little-miss-smarty-pants-Lie-La. I know, I made a pun. But I don't care.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chloe looking like a mad bull (which she is, anyway). 


"What's up with her ?" I lean forward and ask Alya as quietly as possible.

"She has a crush on the guy who just arrived. His name is Adrien and he's a model. You probably saw his posters all over Paris." She whispers.

I don't really pay much attention to posters, anyway. Unless it's a competition or sports event.

"But.. Why is she sulking ?" I ask.

"Because.. well.. Lila also has a crush on Adrien, and basically she's competition for Marinette, so.. you know.."


"Well, actually, we made up this plan so that Marinette and Adrien could sit together, but then you came and.."

"In other words, I ruined your plans."

"Sorry, I didn't mean that."

"No, it's ok."

I'll fix this. I don't want to be hated on because of this... silly reason. Besides, I feel like I've met her before, and she seems like a nice person.

I turn around and look at the last bench, where Adrien and the other girl, 'Lila' are sitting. Adrien is sitting at the end of the bench, and Lila is right next to him, like she scooted towards him, and he scooted away. Boy, he sure looks uncomfortable.. Marinette, you better be good enough to deserve this.

Hopefully this works.

"Miss Bustier ?" I call out, raising my hand. Ms. Bustier pauses and looks up at me.

"Yes, miss Dash ?" She asks.

"Can I change my place ? I can't see the board clearly from here." I say, putting my hand down.

"But, miss Cesaire has been sitting there for a long time, and she doesn't have a problem." She says, giving me a pointed look.

"She has glasses." I say, like it's an obvious thing. Ms.Bustier gives me this weird look, but then she looks around the classroom.

"Is anyone willing to trade places with miss Dash ?" She asks in a loud, clear voice.

Please, let it be...

"Yes, ma'am !"

I turn around, and almost grin when I see Adrien, standing with his hand high in the air, Lila staring up at him with a horrified expression on her face.

It worked !


After the school ends, I look around the street in front of the school, for any sign of Rainbow Dash. I finally spot her Rainbow hair turn round a corner and follow.

"Hey, Rainbow !" I call out after her as I run towards her. She stops and turns. I stop and catch my breath.

"Thanks.. and sorry.." I say, looking up. She looks rather amused.

"For what ?" She says, her mouth forming a small grin.

"Well.. because you willingly sat with that stuck up girl, Lila, for over an hour, and... sorry.. if I may have acted a little rude." I say.

"No, it's fine. That's what friends are for, right ? Helping each other in everything, I mean. And about that so-called rudeness, I'm used to it. Rarity, she-." Rainbow pauses, her amused expression replaced by what looks like sorrow. She makes a sweeping gesture, as if swatting a fly, and the smile returns.

"Nevermind. I better get going now." She turns and walks a few paces, then stops and looks in my direction. "See you tomorrow ?"

"Sure." I reply.


"And that was my big first day at school." I say to all my friends. We're currently on a group video call on Skype.

"That was a nice gesture of you, Rainbow. Making two people fall in love.." Rarity says, putting a hand on her forehead and batting her eyelashes.

"That wasn't exactly my intention, ya know." I say. "Oh, and that Lila girl, she claimed that I separated her from her 'boyfriend'. Turns out he isn't dating anyone at all."

"I wish me and my sprinkles were there." Pinkie says wistfully. Applejack mumbled something about dishonesty. Typical her

After we all finish talking over Skype, I go into the walk-in closet and pick up my guitar.

'Let's see if it works..' I think.


I sit on the edge of the Eiffel tower, legs dangling, waiting for Cat Noir whilst looking at the Paris night sky. I watch as a grayish-white streak of light moves falls towards the ground.

A shooting star.

It seems big, though.

Using my yo-yo, I go over to the area where it is most likely to fall, and check wherever I can. There seems to be no damage caused by a meteorite. It doesn't even look like there's a meteorite.

I go back to the Eiffel tower, the memory of the falling star embedded in my mind.

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