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"MATE!" I growl loud.
I had no idea who that guy was, maybe it was Alice her brother, perhaps a cousin, maybe her father?

Okay, if he was a father, then I would definitely have daddy issues.

But the guy looked younger, he looked seventeen, while I was nineteen.
Mhm, not much of an age gap, which is good.
I come back to reality since we were all currently stuck in this room with a crazy psychopath.

I look behind me to see Riley crying, they were silent tears.
It made my heart break,but it also gave me the motivation to kill those bastards.

"Oh isn't that funny? Jackson and Jake, being mates? Wouldn't it be even funnier if I would kill one of them, now?"
The ugly fucking ducking psychopath says.

Even though there was a wolfsbane scent in the air, I still managed to shift to my wolf, since I was angry, fucking angry. I jump at the psychopath but I fail. I fall down to the ground.

I look at my stomach to see blood flowing out of it.
Was this the end for me?

I love you, Riley.


"NOOOO JACKSON!" I scream out, I scream so loud that even my lungs are in pain. It felt like a small part of my heart got ripped out.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU MONSTER!" I cry out. I look over to see that Alexander wasn't crying, he was silent.

He looked emotionless, lifeless, he looked broken.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, anyways, should I tell you who I am?" The guy comes closer to me and strokes my hair.
I look down at the floor and let the tears drop.

"Well, my name is Luke. Does that sound familiar to you?"
The name sounded familiar, it really did. But I didn't want to answer this psycho, so I kept my head down.

"DOES IT SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU?!" He says but this time was yelling. I quickly nod.

"Well darling. I'm your brother. Not by blood, of course.
I was adopted by your parents. But when I turned five, I realized I was different. I realized I wasn't apart of this family."

"I never felt love, I never felt special. ALL I WANTED WAS TO FEEL LOVE!" He yells this time.
It was a sad story, but while he was telling this story, he wasn't paying attention to none of us. I noticed that Alexander was breaking free, since they had handcuffed them.
Alexander sneaks up to Luke and jumps him. He puts his fangs into Luke's neck and kills him immediately.

I thought it was over, but of course, The moon goddess didn't make it easy for us, since I noticed tall creatures coming towards us.

They were his soldiers.



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