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Riley's POV [EDITED]

Awice, Jwackson, Alexwander and I were currently in the creepy car.
The car driver was scary and he kept giving me weird looks.
I wish I could sing my Barbie song, but I'm scared of the scary man that is driving.

I glance over at Alice, and I see that the scary man is hitting her. The air in the car is starting to smell weird, almost like that evil plant Jackson warned me from.

The scary man is stilling hitting her, and I don't like that. Alice is like my mama, but I don't have a mama or a papa.


Jackson told me they were cowards and ran away.

"STOP HWITTING AWICE, YOU GRASSHOLE!" I yell at the scary man.
Alexander steps forward and tries to protect me since Jackson was knocked out.

Poor Jackson. I begin to cry at the thought of losing my big, big brother.
Will he leave me just like mama and papa did?

The tears keep falling and I notice that another scary man grabs me. He puts a knife looking thing in my arm. It wasn't a knife, it just looked like it because it was sharp.
Then my arm started to feel tingly and I started to feel dizzy.

Then I went to sleep, without actually wanting to go to sleep.

"Wake up, little boy." A voice says, but it is an unfamiliar voice.

I open my eyes and yawn. That was a very, very weird dream.
I looked the guy that called me 'little guy' in the eyes. He had blue eyes, it was pretty.

"Ywou have pwetty eyes." I say as I point to them, giggling a little bit.

"Well thank you, little man." He says while coming closer to me. I stopped giggling, since he was getting too close.

"You look like a brave kid." He continues and I nod.

"I don't like brave kids." The guy whispers in my ear, and it makes me cry. Tears are falling to the ground and I wish somebody could protect me

The guy started stroking my arm, which I didn't like.
He started to give me kisses on my cheeks, and I really wanted to cry.
But I couldn't, it was like I was stuck to the ground.

"What is your name, little guy?" He asks as he stopped stroking my arm.

"Rwiley." I answer.

"That's a girly name, don't you think, Riley?"

"No! It's a mwanly and cwool name!" I say as I defend myself.

The guy pats me on my shoulder and walks away.

"Wait!" I call out. The guy who turns around and does a weird smirk.

"What is ywour name?" I ask the guy.





2) noodles

3) I love reading your guys comments, you are all hella funny

4) bring me skittles,,someone? Please?

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