| 17 | Part Two |

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Alice [EDITED]

"So..this is the guest bedroom?" I ask Alpha Night and he replies by nodding. The walls were blood red and the bed was yellow, well the bedsheets were.

"This room looks like a fucking pimple." Alexander murmurs but I could tell Alpha Night heard it since he was frowning and almost crying.

Alpha Night said goodnight and left. As soon as he left, I punched him in the Alexander in the stomach.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He practically yells.

"For murmuring that this room looked like a pimple." I say as he rolls his eyes. Alexander puts his suitcase away and went to sit down on the bed.

"Well, I'm going to shower." I say and as I was about to enter the bathroom, Alexander stopped me.

"Why not shower together? We could save some water?" He asks while giving me his cocky smirk.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and give him a quick kiss.

"Wait, are you being for real?" He says and his eyes widened and became puppy eyes.

"No you horny hoe, now I'm going to shower." I say and leave him behind.


I'm just kidding. I enter the bathroom and started showering. Warm water was streaming down my body. It felt relaxing.
Then out of sudden I felt pain in my shoulder. It felt like stabbed, but I wasn't getting stabbed. The pain was spreading all over my body. I stepped out of the shower and tried to wrap a towel around myself, but I was failing.

The pain was awful, it felt like my body was one open wound and someone was putting salt in the wounds. But my body didn't only hurt, it was hot.

I was in heat.

Another wave of pain hit me and I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. Alexander must've heard it since he barged in.
I was still naked but currently, I could care less.

Black dots started to appear and my vision went blurry.

I Blacked out.


"AAARGH!" I hear someone scream, and that someone was Alice.
I didn't hesitate for a second and broke the bathroom door, but I couldn't care less.

There she was, lying on the ground, naked. Little sweat drops were dropping down her face. I put my hand on her forehead and her forehead was hot.

Fuck, she is in heat.

I quickly ran over to the bathtub and filled it with ice cold water and ice cubes. I picked up Alice her small and fragile body and put her in the bath.
She was unconscious so I had to stay with her the whole time, which I didn't mind.

I was holding her the whole time she was in the bathtub, since I was too scared if I'd let her go that she would be gone.
I decided that she had enough bathed in the water and picked her up. Water droplets were dripping from her hair and softly hitting the ground.

I took care of her and put her PJ's. Alice had an amazing body, she was drop dead gorgeous. After I was done dressing her up, she remained unconscious. Which concerned me so I mindlinked my pack doctor.

He would be here in 9 hours. I wasn't going to allow letting this pack doctor seeing her naked, no-way.

I already had trouble letting my pack doctor seeing her, with clothes on.

I lied her on top of the bed with a cold washcloth on top of her forehead.
I put her body close to mine so I could cuddle with her. I was getting bored of doing nothing so I decided to braid my unconscious mate's hair.

God, I sound like a freak.
I used to braid Mia's hair all the time. I smiled at the thought.





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