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Holy fuck duck, thanks for 50k! I love you all so much
And that's why this chapter will be extra long ♡


"I told you so!" I say as I try to escape. My  legs were taped together and my hands were handcuffed. I also couldn't use my wolf since they injected wolfsbane in me.

Pfft. Assholes.

"What do you mean: 'I told you so?'" He says as he rolls his eyes.
We are both stuck in this basement and Jackson and Riley are nowhere in sight.
I hope they are okay.

"Well I told you this was a trap but you didn't want to listen to me!" I say and growl.

"Don't act like this isn't your fault either!" He spats.

"I never said that it wasn't my fault! It's both our fault!"

"God, why are you even my mate. You're a weakling."

"Dammit Alexander! This really isn't the time to make me angry!" I growl.

"I wish I could have a different mate." He kept on going.
I couldn't help but feel extremely jealous and angry. I started to wiggle my hands out of the handcuffs without noticing it, and the tape on my legs broke loose.

"Oh god thanks, it worked!" Alexander says as he smiles. I look at him with a questioning look.

"Well, when you're angry your stronger, even if they injected wolfsbane in your blood. Now get me out of here baby doll."

"Say please." I say as I smirk.

"Please.." he sighs.

"Say that I'm amazing." I cockily smirk.

"You're amazing."


"Okay this really isn't the moment Alice, just let me out of here." He says and I realize that in fact it really wasn't the moment.

Oops, I got carried away.

I walk over to Alexander and help him.
As he got out, I could hear him murmur a 'thank you.'

"Okay, let's go find our friends and your family, princess." He says as he takes my hand.

"Since when did you start using nicknames?" I say as I follow him. I didn't have any other choice than following him since he took my hand.
I was like a little lost dog following him.

"Since I realized that we could die today." He says and turns around to give me a quick kiss.

"Aw, aren't you the cutest?" I say.
Note the sarcasm.

Alexander and I kept on walking through these strange hallways.
I thought it was kind of odd that there were no guards. I was talking to Alexander about finding Riley but then he shushed me.

"Boo, who are you to shush m-"

"Sssht." He shushes me again.

I look at him with a 'bitch what the fuck do you think you're doing' face.
He points his finger to a door, and the door said 'torture room, zone 7.'

We both grab each other hands and nod at each other before we open the door.
We open the door and get inside, looking around. I see nothing, just pure blackness.

Then I heard a weird noise and the lights went on. Now I could see everything very clear. I saw all these kind of knives, and I even saw a person.


Oh my lord, Jake, my baby brother.

I run over to him, but Alexander tries to stop me but he fails. I run over to Jake and try to wake him. Jake looks up and now I could see his face, it was bruised.

I looked over to his shoulder and stomach and it was full with cuts, which is weird since werewolves are supposed to heal.

I look behind me to see that Alexander was now standing right next to me.
Then we both heard someone enter the room, we didn't have enough time to hide so we just stood there like idiots.

So much for having a big bad alpha as mate.

"Well, well well, if it isn't Alice and her mate." The person claps. I turn around to see him, the familiar guy.

The guy came closer and Alexander tried to protect me, but before he could do that the guy spoke again:
"I wouldn't do that if I was you. Come closer and I'll kill her brother."
I gulped and saw that Alexander took a few steps back.

"Now my little Rose, do you remember me?" He asks as he strokes my hair.

I nod and answer. "You were the guy that followed me home from school everyday." I say as I try to sound brave but fail. I looked over and saw Alexander his head was red from anger.

"Yes. Correct, but do you remember me when we were younger?"

Younger? What the hell?

"I see you don't remember me, what a shame! Let's ask your parents, shall we?"

I look over to the metallic door that opens. I see my dad, mother, Jackson and Riley got brought in.

My parents were beaten up. Jackson was too but Riley was completely fine, although something in his eyes told me something happened.

Jackson looked up and I could see that his nose was wiggling.
Jackson looked over to Jake, my brother and yelled. "MINE!"

Holy shit.

Jake is Jackson's mate.




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