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Alice [EDITED]

"I lwike candy, candy lwikes me, candy and I could be a fwamily." I could hear Riley singing very loud.

He was singing the 'candy' song, he made it up since he loved candy so much. Today it is monday and I just woke up, thanks to Riley.

Three days ago, Alexander and I talked about his past and all that kind of stuff. When I woke up that morning, I thought I was going to wake up in his arms, which wasn't the case.

I woke up alone, and since that day he has been gone.
I tried to call him, mind link him, I tried everything but it didn't work.
So now I'm currently waiting for his ass to come back home. I have no idea what was so important since he had to leave without telling me.

I get out of my bed and start heading to my own personal bathroom.
I start showering and all that kind of stuff. After I finished, I decided to put on some makeup.

I wasn't really a huge fan of makeup, I just liked experimenting with it.
I don't even bother putting on foundation since my skin was actually pretty clear.

The bags underneath my eyes had disappear which was amazing of course! I grabbed the liquid eyeliner that Alexander bought for me and tried to make a wing.

Keyword: tried.

My wing of my left right was looking perfect, but the wing on my right was absolutely horrible. So I tried to make it even, but now I'm looking a raccoon. I sigh but soon enough burst out in laughter as I look at my own face. God, my face was looking funny as hell.

I grabbed make up removed and decided just to stay natural for today.

I wasn't feeling the raccoon look.

I put on a crop top, a leather jacket, blue ripped jeans and black all-stars. As I finished putting on my clothes, I leave the bathroom and leave my room. I was heading downstairs and saw Alexander.
My eyes widened in surprise since I hadn't seen him in three days.

Three days was a lot with all this mate bullshit.

I run downstairs and hug him. He hugs me back and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Where have you been for three fucking days?" I ask while giving him my bitch face.

"I went to visit my grandmother and told her about us, and then, I went to buy you some presents." He says as he winks.

He turns around, grabbed something and handed it over to me.
Alexander told me to close my eyes so I couldn't see what it was.
He placed the object in my hands and it was very furry.
I opened my eyes and was looking at the sight of an adorable puppy!
My eyes were filled with joy and I gave Alexander a kiss.
His smile became bigger and I could see his wolf twerk- I mean dancing in his eyes.

He also handed me a macbook.

"Hold up, why are you giving me a MacBook?"

"For your online studies, you wanted to attend an online college, right? Well here you go!" He says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

Things were amazing currently. He bought me a pup, a MacBook and I was in love. I am in love.

I smiled as an idea popped up in my mind. The idea was calling him sugar daddy and see how he was going to react.

"Thanks sugar daddy." I say and I see his cheek become red.
I just made the big bad alpha blush. "I'm not your sugar daddy! I'm your mate, your love, your sexy bitch, your future husband, the father of our unborn children." He says in his alpha tone and the red color disappeared from his face.

"Did you just call yourself my bitch?" I ask as I smirk.

As soon as he noticed he did say it, he face palmed.
He face palmed even more than once.

I was about to kiss him but Jackson interrupted us.

"Ew, no I don't want to witness you guys making pups!" He says as he closes his eyes, rambling how he doesn't want to see us making pups.


I look over to see Riley standing right next to Jackson.
Jackson his eyes were still closed and Riley his eyes were wide open.

As soon as Jackson realized that Riley was right next to him, he made Riley put his hands over his eyes too.

God, I love these two.

Oh sorry.
I sometimes let myself get carried away..

Anywahs, I hope you all liked this chapter!
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