Chapter 36 - Needing time

Start from the beginning

He asked a over hundered times what was wrong but I refused to tell him. He's going to go balistic! Leroy hates my family with passion after he found out about my past.

It was weird to see him so angry at my family. Leroy was a close family friend since we were kids and I guess when he offered me a career, my family started to hate him.

But Leroy started a whole new fight with my family when he found out about my past. He threatened to get the cops involved until...well until I stopped him. I was too scared to get the law involved.

I walk down the long hallways and take the lift up to the floor Marshall is staying at. A few people stare at me when they see that my face is covered with shades but I just ignore them.

I take a turn near the end of the corridor and take out the card that Karla had given me. I slide the card into the slot and watch the red light turn green as it beeps.

I slide the door open and step into the hallway before I slide the door closed behind me. I glance at the light and watch it turn from green to red, letting me know that the doors locked.

I walk past the seven, eight empty rooms and walk near the end. I stop dead in my tracks to find Marshall's room empty. My heart beats twice as fast as I look out the glass doors that I just came from to see if there's a nurse that can help me.

I quickly slide the card into the slot and when the light turns to green and I hear a beeping noise, I quickly slide the door open and rush into the empty room.


Where is he? Where the hell is Marshall gone. His machines were still making alarming noises and the bed he was laying on was gone.

"Nurse! I need a nurse!" I scream as tears blur my vision. What if something went wrong and he died? "Nurse!" I scream into the intercorn on the far wall as I press my hand down on the silver button.

When I get no answer, I run out of the doors and down the corridor as my heart beats faster by the seconds. I wipe the tears from my cheeks as try to push my tears back.

He's gone. It's too late. He's gone. Marshall is gone.

I quickly unlock the door and watch as a nurse near the end of the hallway stands behind the reciption. I rush towards her as I try to pull myself together.

"Nurse." I call her as I walk towards the desk.

"Yes? How can I help you?" She asks as she look up from her clipboard.

"My...M-my...Where's the patient gone in that room?" I stutter as I place my hand on the wooden desk.

"In what room?" She asks.

"I'm not sure the room name. Here's the card to his door." I say quickly as I place the card infront of her. She picks up the card and nods as she types away on her computer.

"Can I ask how you are related to the patient?" She asks.

"I'm his fiancé." I lie as I tap my finger on the wood.

"Okay. Patient known as John Doe is in surgey." She says.

"He's safe?" I ask.

"Looks like it." She says making me sigh in relief as I drop my head down on the wooden desk and try my best to calm down.

"Oh god." I say as I try to catch my breath.

"Would you like me to get another update for you?" She asks.

"I would, yes." I say as I look back at her and run my fingers through my hair. "Thank you." I say as I start to walk backwards and turn my back towards her before I make my way back to his room.

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