Chapter 16

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A/N you guys didn't reach the goal :( but that's okay because you guys still voted and read! (: thank you guys so much. It's been a while so here's an update. It's not very good but I don't have very much motivation. Sorry! Anyways, enjoy!

I ran and jumped into Dinah's arms, the first person I saw. She laughed as she caught me and hugged me back. I missed her. Even though I don't remember everything about her, I knew I missed her.

I felt horrible to say I only missed Dinah because I only remember doing things with Dinah. I missed the other girls too, I guess. I just missed people.

I hugged the other girls next, I didn't want them to feel left out. Then, we all walked around together for a little while before filing back onto our Tour Bus. A new one, I would think. I'm almost positive the old one wasn't in good shape anymore.

I had been practicing the songs like crazy. I didn't remember any of them. After I learned them, I remembered them. It was really nerve wracking, actually, that I had to perform these songs when I wasn't really sure if they were right.

All around, I was terrified. I didn't want to let anyone down. I also didn't want to embarrass myself. My life was a disaster now.

"What happened to Pete?" I heard someone ask.

I turned over and saw the small one ask.

"Pete?" A tall grumpy looking man snapped.

"Our old bus driver," she said impatiently.

"Oh, you didn't hear? He's gone," the man said.

"What happened to him?" I ask, walking over to them.

"He went to jail because he tried to kill you. All of you," the man said, as if it was obvious.

He turned around, dismissing us but there was something else missing I didn't understand.

"That's not true," I argued.

He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" He asked.

"No," I snorted, shifting my weight "He didn't try killing any of us. No one got hurt except me. That was my fault."

I heard the screaming growing outside and I figured the boys were here but for once I wasn't excited. I was irritated.

"Are you saying he's not guilty?" He smirks lightly as if he's superior to me "Don't argue with someone if you don't know what your talking about."

He turned around but I walked around him so he was still facing me.

"I know what the hell I'm talking about, I was there," I said, my voice becoming louder.

Ally was still standing uncomfortably behind him. She joined my side and I was glad to be supported.

"Honey, you almost died. You shouldn't even be here right now," he didn't even look up as he spoke to me.

"Not to mention you were kidnapped by one of the most living American terrorists," he says.

"How do you know that?" My mouth dropped.

I stepped back, pain shooting through me as I remembered that experience. A smirk grew on his face as he got interested. He looked up and he looked familiar and it made me feel sick. My heart rate quickened.

"I know more than you ever will," he said simply.

"Your not supposed to know about that," I say.

"No," he agreed. "I'm not."

"Ally, leave," I said.

She looked up at me with wide eyes and I suddenly realized I did remember her. Both of us knew it wasn't the time to pay attention to that right now.

"How do you think I know what happened on the bus?" He asks.

"I wasn't buckled!" I said, my voice way louder than it should.

He looked up at me, his eyes warning me but I ignored because I'm stubborn.

"You don't know what your talking about. That's not what happened!" I said.

He walked around the small table he was writing on papers sprawled across. I backed up a step as he towered over me.

"Excuse me?" He asked,

I knew he was trying to intimidate me. I knew it was working, so I went against it.

"I said you have no idea what your talking about and you should probably shut up before you get yourself fired," I said, crossing my arms.

I stumbled back as his arm out everything it had into his hand and smacked my cheek. The screaming crowd suddenly went silent.

Tears stung my eyes but I tried ignoring them. My mouth fell open in shock and I brought my hand up to my cheek.

I felt his hand on my wrist but another hand landed on top of his.

"Let go of her, now," Harry demanded.

The man instantly let go. He knew better than to get in trouble with Harry, whoever he was.

"Leave her alone, mate," Zayn says.

I look at Harry to see if he recognizes him too. He didn't seem to notice anything. I gulped and stepped back anyways.

"Are you okay?" I heard Niall ask quietly in my ear.

I nod. I feel him rub my arm comfortingly. Ally's hand gripped my hand and pulled me away saying, "c'mon,"

She pulled me to the other girls signing papers. Most of the crowd was silent and staring at me.

"Camila, are you okay?" A small girl from the front asked me, breaking the silence.

I looked over at her, and for the first time since my life started falling apart, I realized it wasn't. I took a deep breathe and she knew my answer. She held her arms out for me over the face and I let myself fall into her arms.

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