Chapter 12

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A loud bell rang throughout our living space. I sighed as Harry and I both stood up to start recording again. The service men came up to us, as always, and walked us there by our arms. I started feeling uneasy as we walked past the recording room. I glanced at Harry and he shrugged. I hesitantly walked into a cell that we stayed into when we were first here. The doors shut behind me and I sat down, bored already. They shut Harry into the cell next to me and they locked our doors. It wasn't long before Whites disturbing voice was heard from the end of the hallway.

"This is quite comical, actually," he begins.

I glance at Harry. He looks worried now. If we don't make it out of here it will be all my fault. Why do I always feel the need to argue with Harry? I crossed my arms at myself as White began again.

"You, young lady, are very naive," he says.

I roll my eyes. I already know this.

"Thanks," I reply.

He cackles his tired laugh.

"and you, my friend, are very smart. I'm highly surprised how quick you catch on," he says aiming at Harry "Dear Camila, let me catch you up. You remember how Harry told you I was going to kill you both? You should, it was merely yesterday."

My breath catches in my throat. Harry was right. He's going to kill us, and I let him. Harry. I glanced up at him and he looked guilty. I didn't understand his expression but that's not what I was worried about. I spit out whatever came to my lips first.

"I'm highly surprised you think your going to actually get away with this,"

Harry stared at me. I know he thought I actually had a plan, but I didn't. I was hoping he had one. Or else we were going to die. I turned my attention to White who had a evil smile spread across his face.

"Oh, dear Camila. How do you think your going to stop me," he asked.

I gave him a small smile and laughed lightly, ignoring him. If I was going to be cocky, I was at least going to act like I had a plan. He sighed in frustration.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to say goodbye. Plan your escape, I don't care. You won't get out anyway," he says.

He chuckled at himself before him and the men exit.

"What's your plan?" Harry asked as soon as they were gone.

"I don't have one, I was hoping you did," I said sheepishly.

He grinned at me. I knew Harry well enough to know that he did. He reached into the back of his pants and I frowned. His hand revealed a black phone and I copied the smile on his face.

"Paul's coming," he says.

I was filled with hope again. I wanted to leave so so bad. Oh, Sofi. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen her. I'm never home for her, and now she knows there is no hope I'm coming back. I hope mama didn't tell her I was gone. I hope mama doesn't know I'm gone. I don't want them to be upset, because I'm coming home. The metal doors opened slowly and Harry shoved his phone back down in his pocket.

"I hope your done because I'm not waiting," White says.

I can't help but scoff. He's so rude it's incredible. I return to where I was sitting on my bench. He takes a deep breathe before looking around.

"Boys, get them," he says.

Even though I trust Harry and Paul I can't help but be scared. What if they kill me before he gets here. Or Harry. I gulp. The men quickly walk to our cells and strip the doors of their locks. I stand up and let them grab my arms. Their grips were tight and I didn't like it. They pulled me to the end of the hallways towards one door. Harry was drug to the other door and I hoped they got him first. I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if Harry didn't make it.

"Now, I've watched a few of your interviews and we figured the easiest death would just to be shot. So I've decided to be nice, since this is your final 'ceremony,'" he says using air quotes.

I swallowed hard. Another set of three men walk up and stand in the middle of the room. The middle one held a gun over his back. Paul, please please please hurry up. He pulled the gun over his shoulder and set it up for aim.

"Get ready," White called stomping up the stairs to a viewing room.

The triggers pulled back and my eyes got wide. The door behind my slammed open and the men holding me fell over, loosing their grip on me. The gun mans hand fell back, the gun falling from his arms from the other men falling on him.

"Get over here," Paul's voice rang through my ears.

I spun around and voluntarily ran behind him.

"Where's Harry?" He asked.

"He's over there," I say pointing at him.

Harry's gun men glance at each other and back at Harry. Paul and his men run across the room to get Harry. They stop, my gunmen still spread across the floor. One got up and grabbed Paul's neck. He grunted and grabbed his arms. He twisted his grip off of Paul's neck and pushed him down. He punched the next man in his way and ran into the back of the men with the gun. He pulled the trigger and if was too late. I gasped as the bullet audibly went though someone, though I couldn't see.

"Camila," someone hissed.

It sounded like Niall, but I didn't turn around. I couldn't keep my eyes of the sight in front of me. I heard Harry groan. Tears flooded my face and I shook my head, trying to clear it. My hand started shaking. I tried to beg someone to move so I could see, but I couldn't my lips to form the words.

"Camila," the voice said sternly.

Hands grinned my arm this time and I stumbled back behind the door. I looked up about to get defensive before I realize it was Niall.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting his hands on my arms.

I shook his arms off and nodded. I couldn't stand his hands on my arms, it felt so much like the service men.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

My heart dropped and more tears came flooding from my face.

"H-Harry is- I don't- and Paul-," I tried but words wouldn't form.

Niall cut me off by pulling me to his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut as he wrapped his arms around me. It was nice knowing someone else was going to comfort me right now, because recently I haven't really had the most friendly encounters. It was completely silent now that the doors were shut. Please, oh please get Harry. The last thing my mind caught was Paul holding Harry and rushing him out of the room. Everything after that was blank.

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