Chapter 10

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I was guided to a small chair in the middle of a room. They sat me down, tying my hands behind my back and placing tape over my lips. I was really scared. Was I ever going to leave here? I doubt anyone would come looking for me. If they did, how could they find me. I was left alone in the small room for a long time. I was bored out of my mine, so I hummed to myself. As much as I could for my mouth being taped. My earlier thoughts were proven wrong as the steel door opened and the one person I wanted to see came by two men. Harry.
"Camila," he gasped quietly.
I couldn't answer him, but I wanted to say his name so bad. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I stared at him.
"Yes, yes, family reunion," White said.
I glanced at him and he gave me a weird look.
"Why is she tied up? I didn't give you those orders," he says.
I don't like him, but I feel better knowing I don't need to be tied up. The men walk over and spray the corners of the tape with something before painlessly pulling it off. They untied my hands which I put in my lap. They were cramping horribly bad but I ignored it.
"Anyways, your little friend tried to save you. Which, I guess he did. We need him just as much as we need you," he says.
"You told me I was almost done," I snap.
"That was before we had a stronger figure step onto the plate. I need you both. Especially because other people need him, too," he says.
I can't help but think he's telling me that people want him back more than me. I know it's true, but it still hurts coming out of someone else's mouth.
"Ill get you both to work right away. First, I thought I would give you some time. I'm not trying to make your stay horrible," he chuckled.
The men let go of Harry's arms and left the room. White exited the glass watch box and let Harry and I alone. I didn't hesitate to get out of the chair and into Harry's arms.
"Harry," I mumble into his neck.
"I'm so sorry," he says, his voice dripping with guilt.
"It's not your fault, Harry," I reply.
I twist my fingers into his dark curly hair. Saying his name felt so right right now. I wasn't alone anymore.
"Harry, I'm so scared," I say.
"It's okay. I'm going to get you out of here," he says.
I pull away from him. I can't help but laugh at the determined look on his face.
"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask.
He frowns at me, clearly popping his bubble.
"I don't know, but I will. I promise," he says.
The serious look on his face made me realize what had really happened. I had been kidnapped, and the only person trying to save me was stuck with me.

A/N sorry sorry it's short don't kill me ily

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