Chapter 13

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I hummed quietly to myself as I watched Harry sleep peacefully. I don't know where any of the boys went. I don't know where my parents are. I don't know anything. I'm sure even Harry, after surgery, knows more than I do. They are trying to come up with an excuse as to what happened. As if I wasn't there. But I was, and I know I was kidnapped. Harry began moving around on the bed and his eyes fluttered open. He looked normal, all though I know he was going to start acting weird because of his surgery. He looked at me and his eyes lit up. He held his arms out at me, but he didn't say anything. I stood up and joined him. He grabbed my hand and he looked confused. He reached up and grabbed my hair.

"You have pretty hair," he says.

He ran his fingers through it a few times before he tugged on it bringing my lips to his. I pulled away quickly. He didn't know how to move his lips right now and it was actually disgusting. He pushed his lip out and I couldn't help but laugh. He looks into my eyes and frowns.

"I thought you had brown eyes," he says.

"I do," I say thoughtfully.

He frowns again and shakes his head.

"No, there not. I'm looking at them with my own two eyes," he pokes his eyes lightly "and they are clearly yellow."

I laughed at him. I wondered how long he'd be like this, it was really funny. He pouted. I heard the door open and I looked to see Niall and Liam walk in. Liam looked like he was very upset, like he'd been crying for a while. His eyes lit up when he saw Harry awake. Niall looked relieved.

"She's being mean!" Harry cried out, making me jump.

Niall laughed at him and I joined him.

"Mila wouldn't be mean," Niall said, backing me up.

"Harry, how do you feel?" Liam asked.

"I feel great, actually. What happened? I feel dizzy. Did you know this girl over here has yellow eyes and pretty hair. I think she likes me. She kissed me. Wait- no. I kissed her. No, I like her," he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Niall and Liam joined me by the side of the bed listening to Harry ramble. The doctor quickly followed by the rest of the boys which I assumed told the doctor he was awake. He had us all step away from Harry before he pouted.

"I want her," he said, pointing to me.

I bit my lip. Harry, please just shut up. The doctor laughed uncomfortably.

"Her hand. I don't like doctors, I want her hand," Harry repeated.

Realization cross the doctors face as he nodded to say I could stand by Harry. He gripped my hand and I gave it a light squeeze. Harry tried to pay attention to the doctor, he really did, but I could tell he wasn't comprehending anything he was saying. I listened for him, it was all stuff about when he could leave and the effects of the gas, which was directed at me, or stuff like how he felt. The doctor left and Harry quickly fell asleep, his mind exhausted from thinking after his surgery. The doors to the room burst open shortly after to reveal a very stressed Anne followed by Gemma, who looked concerned. I was quickly engulfed in a hug by Anne there was no way I could get out of. Her hand ran through my hair as her silent sobs raked through her body. I saw Gemma stare at me with the same look I could tell Gemma was feeling. They were scared, but relieved we were here.

"I am so so so sorry, camila," Anne repeated.

I pushed her away and looked her in the eye.

"I love you to death but you are overreacting. Everything is going to be fine, I promise," I say.

She sighs and nods in agreement, wiping away her tears.

"I know, your right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm fine," she sniffed and composed herself before she turned on her heel to look at her son.

Gemma had now attached herself to his hand watching over him as he slept. He groaned and pulled his hand out of hers, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Your not Camila," he mumbled.

I bit my lip and I felt my face turn red as Gemma and Anne turned to face me.

"He really loves you," Gemma says thoughtfully.

"Honestly?" Anne asks, answering herself before I could "I think he's going to propose soon. If he doesn't, ill do it for him."

I was thoroughly surprised by that. Marriage? I was 19. Harry was my first real boyfriend, too. Something in me said if he asked me to marry him, I wouldn't say no.

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