Chapter 1

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"Camila will you please go get me one?" Ally whined.

I chuckled. A plate of cookies had been set on the table for us, complementary of our last show. Ally has always had a fear of driving in general, and getting up while the bus was moving was not an option for her.

I pushed myself up, heading for the kitchen that was merely 10 steps from here. "Can I come mila?" Lux said, following behind me.

I spun around and saw her flash me a smile that I couldn't possibly say no to.

"Sure," I said smiling, grabbing her hand.

It wasn't a long drive from the last show to here, and Lux had insisted she rode with us, Lou had said yes. They made Harry stay in his bus today for something, a meeting I think between the whole crew. That's probably why Lou let her go, it would be easier for them without a little monster running around.

Either way, Lou trusted me. I was good with kids and naturally I was over-protective of her. It was mostly because I was home sick a lot and missed Sofi like crazy. Lux reminded me a lot of Sofi.

I reached for a few cookies, knowing this wasn't the last trip Ally would have me make if I didn't, when all of a sudden, multiple voices started shouting at once.



"Hang on!"

Everyone started shouting. I felt my whole body being jerked to the side. I tripped over my feel, breaking the heel to my shoe, as my body was flung into the wall. A sharp pain emerged in my ankle but I ignored it, reaching for Lux and holding her in my arms. As soon as she was safe in my arms, the bus halted to a stop, causing me to fall forward. I landed on my side, trying to keep Lux safe. I set her down and pushed myself up so she was protected by my body. There was one more crash, or at least the last one I remember, that had sent me flying across the bus. My head smashed into a metal pole that was used for crew that were standing. My head was pounding so bad I couldn't even lift it to look for Lux.

"Mia," she cried, before her body heat let me know she as next to me. Mia was about as close as she could get to saying my name. We tried teaching her Mila, but Mia was about all we could get.

I opened my eyes and there was black dots everywhere, my eyes burning.

"Lux," I breathed out.

"What happened?" Her tiny voice squeaked.

"Are.. Are you hurt?" I asked, trying as hard as I could to focus.

"I'm scared, Mia," she said.

"Camila!" I heard a voice shout.

I turned to look and saw the girls bending over me. Lauren looked around, her face the hardest I've ever seen it. She balled her fist, staring at the window to the bus that was now above us. The bus must have tipped.

"On the floor," she ordered.

Everyone sat on the floor and covered their heads. I used whatever was left in me to cover Lux. My face wasn't fully covered but Lux's was. Lauren smashed one of the bigger windows, big enough to for our bodies to fit out of I assumed. A piece of glass slid across my forehead. The warm feeling of blood was the last thing I was aware of, then everything went black.

-sorry its short-

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