Weiss Schnee x Male FourthYear Reader

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Yang:"What do you mean?"

YN:"I mean, this wasnt a normal fight. I help Goodwitch with lessons and this was a hands on lesson. I was teaching you how to be a coherent team."

Ruby:"So how did we do?"

YN:"Alright, but you could be better. You guys either fight individually or with your partner, not your whole team. If you can access the ability to get all four of you to flow as one being smoothly, that would greatly impact your performance. But it was still good."

Ruby:"Thank you."

Weiss:"Yes. And why was I going in circles?"

She glared at me but I chuckled at little with her team giggling.

YN:"Its my semblance. I can control energy and semblances. Such as if you were to use ice on me, I could manipulate it and turn it against you. If Ruby were to rush at me with her speed, I could change her directions like I did yours. So when you used your glyph to lunge at me, I altered the glyph direction and kept it active to make you go circles."

Weiss:"Well, thats interesting. Thank you for the lesson... and for calling me my name."

She blushed once again while I just chuckled at her response.

YN:"No problem, now if you guys need anything, just ask. Laters."


I walked away from them and headed to my dorm. I laid my gear on my desk before showering and changing into my casual clothes. I sat on my bed, wondering what to do today.

YN:"JNPR's in a double date. SSSN is still out buying my stuff cause they owe me for getting them outta trouble with that NDGO team. RWBY...hmmm what are they up to?"

I picked up my scroll and messaged Ruby.

YN-Hey Rubes.
Ruby-Hey (YN)
YN-You guys keen to go see a movie or something. Im really bored.
Ruby-Holdup let me ask my team.

A few minutes went by when I saw another message.

Ruby-They said yes. Ready now?
YN-Yeah. Be there in 5
Ruby-Yayy and Weiss said- nevermind

I put my scroll in my pocket, stood up and looked in the mirror. I wore a White hoodie with black jeans, black and white Nikes and a gold Rolex watch. I fixed my hair and grabbed my wallet and walked over to RWBY's dorm. We hung out a few times but with JNPR mostly. I arrived at their door and knocked three times waiting for them. Instead I heard a commotion.

Weiss:"NO. Im not going to do that! I'll do it my way!"

Ruby:"Why not?"

Yang:"Because hes too COOL for her. Geddit?"


I heard them scramble around before opening up the door. They wore their casual attire, but Weiss had a white and teal blue knee dress with a dark blue jacket. To be honest, she looked really attractive in it. I blushed hard before speaking.



We all walked to the cinemas, talking and laughing. It was easy to connect with the girls because of our common ground. As we approached the counter to order our snacks, Weiss dragged me away from the rest of the team.

Weiss:"Can I speak to you later?"

YN:"Sure Weiss."


I walked back to the team to grab my popcorn and drinks. We each had a Large Popcorn with a large drink and addtitional snack. Blake and Yang had hotdogs while Ruby had 3 bags of cookies. Weiss and I had ice cream. We walked into the theatre to our seats and got ready for the movie.

YN:"What movie is it?"

Ruby:"Blake and Yang chose it."

Blake:"50 Shades of grey."



YN:"Ruby's to young for this movie."

Ruby:"No Im not."


YN:"Ok, but if Ruby changes and ends up like a female version if Neptune, Imma kill you."

Yang:"Relax, she wont be a womaniser... or man-niser for that fact."

YN:"You mean a slut."


As we watched the movie, Ruby closed her eyes at the very restricted parts. I wasnt turned on by them, but wondered why Blake and Yang chose this movie. As it continued, I felt a hand on mine. I looked to my right to see Weiss blushing madly.


Weiss:"I have something important to say."


Weiss:"I know Im younger than you, but please hear me out. You're charming and smart. Gentle and polite. And more. But what I really want to say is...I love you (YN)."

I was shocked at what she said. It was just...immediate. I looked at her, speechless, unable to think. I saw her look down and frown.

Weiss:"Its ok, if you dont return the feelings."

I snapped back to reality at her sentence and quickly turned her to me before I leaned over and kissed her. She was surprised at this as I felt her tense up a bit, but she soon eased into it. As I parted I looked into her eyes and smiled.

YN:"I love you too Weiss."


I looked around us to see everyone cheering for us as the movie finished and the lights came back on. I just chuckled before grabbing her hand and walking out of the cinemas with my new girlfriend.

YN:"Hey Weiss."


YN:"Im only 18."

With that, she found out her boyfriend was the youngest student to ever attend Beacon. She was shcoked at furst but then smiled and leaned closer to me, walking hand in hand. I would graduate Beacon soon. But...

We were happy, and always will be.

AN:Sorry sorry, for the wait. Schools a little fag that wont stop with homework. But since, writing is what I love, I keep coming back. This goes out to magic-potato13. Hope you enjoyed.

Male Reader X Fem Various Oneshots. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora