16 | The Raven and The Robin

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That seemed to prompt him into action, amber irises not once leaving mine as smoke exited his closed fist, burning the paper thoroughly and within a single blink.

I would never admit that the phoenix's control over his power amazed me, proof that maybe one day I'd be similar.

Ender opened his grip and ash fell. "Was that a satisfactory demonstration for you?"

"Yes!" My chortle sounded carefree. "We should make our own questions instead... although, can I ask why you picked ravens earlier?"

"You answer first."

I'm glad that we've seemingly built mutual respect for each other since yesterday's shenanigans, a rocky comradeship one could say.

But was it normal to be constanty checking new friends out?

I shook my head, trying to dislodge that dangerous thought. "Well... do you believe in fate, or coincidence?"

Ender thought for a second. "Neither."

"Oh, that's no fun." I had to stop myself from pouting. "Personally, I believe in fate—mostly because I've had so many incidents that are too aligned to be coincidence."

"You were saying something about your favourite animal?" Ender gave a look that leveled between amused and impatient, reminding me that I was going off track.

"Robins," I shared a nostalgic smile.

"I would've pegged you for someone who liked more aggressive animals." Ender didn't miss the way my voice softened; therefore, he chose his words carefully. "How does this tie in to fate and coincidence?"

"I had two during my childhood; the second one... didn't last as long."

He pondered my cryptic reply. "What about the first one?"

"My brother bought one that went through taxidermy, thinking it was the perfect gift for a ten year old." The memory made me snort. "He was always a bit off."

"Is his spirit a robin?"

The murmur from students blurred around us, our attention focused solely on each other.

"No." I thought back to how Maverick suddenly morphed into a new person.

No, he most definitely wasn't a demure little bird.

Ender was about to ask another inquiry, so I interrupted him. "What determines someone to have a spirit, because it doesn't seem hereditary?"

"Every human has the potential to be a Soul Spirit, it's the select few who are chosen or cursed. The inner beast searches for a way out, only forming with souls who match their needs."

He watched as I swirled patterns on our desk, creating dents in the pile of ash from his previous destruction.

"So, humans subconsciously nurture the beast?" I asked.

"That's what the textbooks say."

The sudden sound of raucous laughter interrupted us, yet we weren't wholly surprised, since students were rowdier than usual from being in the third years' classroom. Ender had an expression that said he was resisting the urge to quite them down. He instead rested an elbow on the back of his chair, cognac eyes looking over my shoulder one last time before quickly drifting back onto me.

"Are you staying in the castle this coming break?"

I precariously leaned back on my chair's two back legs, enjoying the way it rocked. "You must have already heard that Leon and I are orphans."

𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora