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             Lubπα Sufyαπ
Farida noticed that ziyada is not saying anything.

She wipe her tears and steady her voice a little.

"Ziyada this is not the end ok this..........."

Ziyada interrupt her with a scream.

"You are not getting it farida!"

Farida raised her hand in surrender quickly muttering



''just calm down''

Ziyada stood up and start gathering her stuffs in a haste.

Farida run to her and hold her. She hugged farida and started sobbing. '

'I......I....Can't.....I can't face them farida. I can't''

she said between sobs.

''We will think of something. Anything but the truth''

farida said not so sure about the truth being hidden for long. Not when internet circulate faster than anything when it comes to stuffs like that.

She held ziyada untill she calm down enough to stop shaking from her sobs. Farida look at her with so much pity.

Feeling and wishing she possessed the power to hide ziyada,shield her away from all of the cruelty of what nadeem has done. Take her away from it all.

''I am going home today''

ziyada said her voice breaking at the word home.

Farida just nod her head in answer. Together they gathered all ziyada's stuffs and organise them.

They cried together. Promised each other that it is not the end. They will keep in touch and all.



She stood outside her house for good ten minutes. She never thought a day will come that she ziyada will dread stepping a foot into her own home.

''Inalillahi wa ina ilaihi raji.un''

she keep repeating and summon all the courage she could muster.

''Assalamu alaikum''

she said in a cool way.

''Wa alaikumussalam her mama answered without raising her head from what she is doing.

''Anty ziyada''

aisha said running to her.


her mama said half amaze half suprised before she stood up from what she is doing a smile on her face.

''You could have called''

her mama scold.

Ziyada give her a small smile saying.

''Tafiyar ce ba shiri'' trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to break any minute. Her mama collect her bag and said to aisha.

''Collect some of her luggage or are you going to stand there holding her hand all day''

Aisha just laugh happily and collect one bag from ziyada.


She is settled a little.

''Abincin ki zaiyi sanyi ziyada. You should eat''

her mama said.

'I am not hungry mama. Naci abu a hanya''

ziyada said.

Her mama scrutinize her closely.

'are you okay???'

she asked frowning. Ziyada feel the weight of it all. The raw pain. The emotions. She just couldn't take it anymore. She started sobbing.

Her mom reached to her and hug her.

''Ziyada what is wrong with you??''

She clutch to her mama and cried her heart out untill she couldn't feel the tears falling anymore. Her mama keep asking her what is wrong.

'I got expelled from school!!!

Ziyada said in a distant way. Her mama is shock. Because she know her daughter. She is not an A+ student but she is brilliant.

''How did it happened?''

she asked.

For a second. For just a second ziyada almost tell her everything and not the lie the she and farida settled on telling. But she know deep down. The truth will destroy her parents. Their reputation. Their trust in her. Everything will be destroyed.

''They did this exam and said i didn't pass mama. But i know i did! I tried everything''

Her mama hug her.

''I am so sorry ziyada. All will be well. I am sure you did your best. But sometimes destiny have something in store for us. You should accept this as your destiny like a good muslima''

Her mama take more than and hour comforting her. Ziyada feel worst deep inside. She feel like she is betraying her parents by not telling them the truth.


Her mama break the news to her father who took it well and pray that Allah will change ziyada's fate with khair.


All her family tried in their way to comfort and support ziyada in all the way they can and encourage her to try for other schools that year. And she promised them she will think about it. On the other hand farida send ziyada 50k and plead with her to accept it and start a small business that will help her and her family.

Because farida was the only one ziyada has told the truth about her not wanting to try for another school again. She couldn't do it.

Together they decided that ziyada should used the money and pay for 6 months fee in the tailoring teaching school in kaduna and learn. When ziyada talk to her mama about it she agreed and welcome the idea.



The only way to succeed at this horrible game ziyada don't even want to be playing is spending all her time learning how to sew. She thought she fall apart at first. When she saw those pictures.

Her old life and her dreams are over and she just have to deal with it. And every morning,wheather she have slept or not,wheather she have made it through the day without crying or given in and sobbed in the shower,where no one can hear her.

But one thing is certain to ziyada now. She has accepted her mistake.

Repenting and staying strong is what she chooses. She will not let nadeem breaks her. He have already done enough damage that when she walked outside now. She look at every guy she passed and think.

What about you?

Did you see me naked?

Did you save my picture onto your phone?

Did you hate me too?

It is alot harder when she saw one of her sisters intent on there phone. Her heart will start beating.

She will start sweating.

What if they found out?

What if they saw those pictures?

Upon all the pressure and the uncertainty of ziyada's life. Her determination is as fierce as the cruelty of what has been done to her...............!!!


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