Chapter 1

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Welcome to my first story!!! It's gonna be bad I know :') but in this Keith is Spider-Man and Lance is his lover. This is mostly kinda based off of The Amazing Spider-Man but I'm adding some more stuff to it to make it longer and interesting :3 (not that the amazing Spider-Man isn't already interesting it is)
I hope you enjoy. For the mean time call me Gene <3

Keith groaned as he was shoved hard into the locker, his camera he had falling to the ground.

"What's wrong freak? You can speak up for others but not yourself?" The familiar bitchy voice spoke as Keith just stared ahead, not bothering to reply.

This was a normal day for Keith, wake up, eat, stare at his crush who would never like him back, stop a fight, then get his head shoved into a locker or toilet.

"Come on Kogane! I know you can fight back!" Nyma yelled as her friend, Rolo pull Keith from the locker and punches him. Just as Rolo was about to punch him in the gut a familiar voice came to their ears.
"Woah! Nyma stop that's enough. He was just helping someone out!" The oh so familiar voice of Lance came to Keith, causing the black haired boy to lift his head and look up at the taller male. Nyma had Rolo release Keith but not with a final shove.

"Oh Lance! I was trying to stop Rolo from hurting him! I promise~." Nyma said in a sickly flirtatious voice as she batted her eyes at Lance. The Cuban boy shook his head and lead Nyma away from Rolo and Keith. "Well come on, we are going to be late for next class."

Their voices drifted away from the boy on the floor as he sat up and gingerly touched his lip, wincing as he felt blood. He sighed and ignored the other students as he picked up his stuff and headed to class, already done with the day

~time jump brought to you by Coran, Coran the Gorgeous Man~

"I'm home! Shiro?" Keith called as he walked into the small house he shared with his Stepbrother Shiro.

Keith didn't exactly know his parents, but he knew that Shiro was there for him, growing up with him, taking care of him and sacrificing a lot so Keith could grow up a good life.

"Down here! Just fixing some stuff I'll be up soon!" Keith heard the older male call from their basement. He nodded to himself and dropped his bag by the door and headed to the kitchen, getting a snack and stuff to help his busted lip.
When he heard footsteps coming up he ducked his head so his black hair covered his face slightly, not want Shiro to worry.

"Hey. How was school?" Shiro asked once he was upstairs and in the kitchen, grabbing something to drink out of the fridge.
"It was alright, physics and stuff ya know." Keith tried to play it cool but knew that was far from his usual cool.

"What happened?" Shiro asked as he let out a sigh and turned towards Keith, crossing his arms. "Come on Keith." He said in his dad voice

Keith gave up and lifted his head, his mullet (that is such a weird word for me idk why. Mullet mul-let. Wtf xD) falling away from his face and his beautifully busted lip showed. "You should see the other guy." Keith deadpanned.

"Not a scratch on them." Shiro finished for Keith with a soft chuckle as he got some ice and a towel and gently cleaned Keith's lip before giving the ice to him. "What was it this time? Did you trip again and your lunch fell on the school bully's head?" Shiro asked knowing about Keith's random act of clumsiness.

Keith blushed brightly and shook his head. "No! Some people were picking on my friend Pidge again so I defended them.." he said scratching the back of his neck.
"But couldn't defend yourself?" Shiro asked to which Keith nodded.
"I knew I raised you right. But don't be afraid to throw a punch ok?" Shiro said with a joking smile to try and lighten the mood.

"I'm not afraid to throw a punch scar face!" Keith said chuckling. He threw his trash away before heading towards his bag and grabbed a piece of paper.
"By the way I need you to sign this. Physics class is going on a field trip to the Galra Tower tomorrow." Keith said showing the permission slip to Shiro.

Galra Tower was the most scientifically advanced lab in all of Altea and Keith wasn't gonna lie he was a little excited to go see it and meet Dr. Sendek, the owner of the Galra Tower.

Shiro looked at the permission slip and pretended to think before smiling. "Ok I'll sign it. But don't get lost in the world of nerds ok?" He joked as he signed his name and gave it back to Keith. "Dinner is in 15, go and clean up ok?"

Keith nodded and smiled, grabbing the slip and his bag before he headed upstairs to his room.


Ok that's the first chapter!! Just to kinda introduce the character for ya. If there is any confusion I'll clear it up:

Peter Parker: Keith Kogane
Gwen Stacy: Lance McClain
Flash: Nyma (and Rolo so it's not bad if Keith has to throw a punch)
Dr. Conners: Sendek
Oscorp Towers: Galra Towers
The person in Peters life that dies so Peter has motivation to be Spider-Man: Shiro

Anyway I hope you like it and I'll try to update soon <3 - Gene

Word count: 943

(Updated: 12/5/17)

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