Chapter 32

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Josh POV

"It sounds like a baby" I say as I see Rachel come running down the hall towards me as Tim and I try wrenching the door open. I see cops ushering in firefighters to cut the door lock off with the saw. I stand and hold onto Colleen. She seems to have forgotten how angry she is with me for the moment as she sobs into my shoulder. I see the door open and a baby bassinet sitting in the middle of the tiny janitor office. I push by the police as Colleen shuffles beside me. "Its her" Colleen says picking up Lilly. She looks fine. A doctor is standing beside us. "Let us check her out "the doctor says. Colleen nods and lays her back down as I grab Colleen. "We have her back" Colleen whispers into my chest. "Thank god" I say kissing her hair. We stand back and watch the doctor and nurse check her over. "Lets take her down the hall" the doctor says. They roll her out and wait for me to place Colleen back into the wheelchair. The family and I quickly follow them into a small pink room.
"I am so happy" I say bending down to Colleen. "Me as well" she says watching the doctors look her over. "She is fine guys" he says smiling. I pass her to Colleen and she cries holding her. A policeman approaches us and tells us they will continue to search for the kidnapper. I shake his hand and I wheel Colleen back to her room. A nurse comes in to help Colleen back into her bed as I pass Lilly to Gwen. "I don't feel good" Colleen says. "Probably all the stress. Let me do some vitals on you" the nurse says doing blood pressure and pulse on her as I run my thumb along her knuckles. I smile at her as she looks at me. "You will be ok doll" I whisper. She smiles but I see the colour drain from her face. The nurse walks out of her room in a hurry and comes back into the room a few moments later with a doctor. He starts checking out her chart and orders some blood work. "Whats wrong?" I ask terrified as a flurry of activity happens around us. "Bacterial infection. It happens" he says as he shoots some meds into her IV. "Colleen just sleep ok?" The doctor says to her. "Want to make sure Lilly is ok" she whispers. "Your Mom or I will hold her. She isn't leaving our sight babe. Please sleep" I say as she smiles. I lean in to kiss her lips gently as her eyes close. "I love you princess" I whisper.

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