Chapter 3

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Josh POV

I am laying in a hospital bed just staring out the window. The sadness I feel will never leave me. Colleen will always be a part of my heart. "Joshua, honey you need to eat" my Mom says to me as she pulls up a chair beside me. "Later" I say quietly not even recognizing my own voice. I see my sister walk up to my Mom and then leans into me. "Josh, I know its hard but you need to look forward" she says. I don't say a word. Just then I hear her phone go off as she looks at it. "Its Adam" she whispers. "Hey babe" she says quietly answering it. I see her listening as she stares at me. She turns her back and walks away as she listens. "I don't think its a good idea" she says to him. "She should have thought about that" she adds angrily. I sit up knowing she is probably talking about Colleen. I know Adam is at my old house with his family. "Talk to you later" she says and hangs up as she spins to face me. She walks over with a tear running down her face as she smiles at me. "Nice fake smile" I say. She laughs. "What does Colleen want?" I ask while watching her face. She shakes her head. "Nothing about her" Erin says. "Spill it" I say knowing she is lying. She sighs and pauses as she scans my Mom and Dads face. "She is worried about you and wants to talk to you. She heard you were in the hospital and passed out" she says. I nod and start to cry. My heart is breaking again. "Leave me guys" I say to them as they all get up and leave the room. I need to be alone in my thoughts right now.

A few days later I get discharged and put on a few meds for my depression. I need to go home to my apartment and live again. This is killing my parents. I walk into my kitchen with my family following me and start getting food to cook. "You want to eat Josh?" my Mom asks. "I got it" I say smiling at her. I lean in to hug her and she hugs me tight. "You will always be my little boy, Joshua" she says starting to cry. "Mom no more crying" I say. "Josh, you will find the one honey" she says. "I don't think so Mom. Colleen was it" I say sadly turning back to the food. "Josh, nobody that loves you turns their back on you. You will find someone that stands beside you always" she says. I nod and start getting myself busy. Hope she is right.

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