Chapter 21

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Colleen POV

I have written my parents and family telling them I am having a girl but got zero response back except from Rachel.  I have pretty much stayed home the last month to relax and keep Lily safe. I hear Josh walk up the stairs and see him peak into my office. "Hey sunshine" he says as he makes his way across the room. "Hi baby" I say as I continue typing. "Colleen lets go lay down for a nap babe. You need it and so do I" he says. I look at him closer and he looks exhausted. I stand up and hold his hand. "Feeling ok babe?" I ask him staring into his eyes. "I feel run down" he says kissing my forehead. "Ok lets go then" I say as we walk down to our room. I see Josh instantly hop into bed as I close the curtains as its broad daylight out. I walk over to my side of the bed and strip down to my tank top and underwear. I am worried about Josh as his eyes are already closed but they open as soon as I kneel into the mattress. I kneel above him. "Baby I am worried about you?" I say running my fingers through his hair. He smiles and pulls me down to him. I giggle and nuzzle into him. His hand runs under my t-shirt and caresses my stomach. "Colleen your bellybutton is popping out" he says laughing. "Lily's fault" I laugh. "Josh why are you so tired babe?" I ask him. He looks into my eyes and says "I worry about you. I watch you sleep at night" he says. "Josh that was a month ago. Please sleep. We both need to stay healthy" I say kissing his lips. He moans as his tongue slips into my mouth and we start to make out. "Josh you need sleep babe" I say laughing. "How about 20 minutes of this?" He says smiling. I nod and go to kiss him once again. I love my man. I need to show him how much.

I wake up to the doorbell. I look over at Josh and he is passed out. I quickly throw some shorts on and make my way downstairs. I open the front door and see my parents. "Mom, Dad?" I ask tearing up. "Colleen we are sorry baby" my Mom says rushing up to me. I hug her tight and sob and I hear Joshua come up behind me. He hugs me tight crying. "We are so sorry Joshua" my Mom says hugging us. I can't believe this. It is too good to be true.

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