Going To A Concert Together -One Direction

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LIAM: "Do we have to go to this concert?" Liam whines. "Yes, we do. And besides, I don't see what the big deal is, you like LMFAO." "I know, I just don't feel like going out to a concert tonight." "You're going," you state firmly, not giving him the choice or chance to back out. Once you arrive at the concert, everyone else's excitement seems to rub off on him a bit. By the time the concert starts, he's almost more excited than you are. He's singing along to every song with you and really seems to be enjoying himself. By the end, when you two get in the car to head home, you ask him what he thought. "Eh, it was alright," he tells you, giving you a quick one-shoulder shrug. You howl in laughter. "Liam Payne, you are the biggest liar on the planet!" This causes him to laugh as well, which then gives way into the two of you reliving your favorite moments to pass the time as you make your way home.

HARRY: For an anniversary present, you'd gotten Harry tickets to see Coldplay. He'd been like a little kid looking forward to Christmas morning ever since. Finally, on the morning of the show, he is beside himself in anticipation. He keeps glancing at the clock and can't focus on a single thing all day. Finally the time comes to start heading to the venue. As you drive to the arena, you check Twitter on your phone and laugh at what you see. "You've been tweeting about this all day long! You are too funny." He just nods sheepishly. When you finally arrive, Harry nearly runs in. The show is incredible and even you enjoy yourself, despite not being a huge Coldplay fan. As you're making your way back to the car, Harry shouts, "Thank you, baby! That was the best gift ever!" and places a sloppy kiss to your cheek. Grossed out, you wipe your face clean with your sleeved shoulder and smile, shouting back, "Anytime!"

ZAYN: Zayn hadn't said a word the entire car ride to the concert. "Are you just gonna sit there and ignore me the whole time?" you ask. "You won't even sing along with me and dance and do all that fun stuff?" You receive no response or reaction at all. It's like you hadn't even spoken. "I know you know the music. And I know you like the music. So don't even try to pretend you're gonna have a bad time." This finally gets a response from him. "I told you to take Niall," he states angrily. "I wanted to take you, Zayn. Last time I checked you were my boyfriend, not Niall. Although, that could easily be changed," you mumble venomously. "I hard that." "And I don't care." Your mood already having been ruined, you're nothing but annoyed by the young screaming girls in the arena. You catch Zayn rolling his eyes. When Justin Bieber finally takes the stage, the noise level reaches all new decibels. "Sounds like one of our concerts," Zayn points out. You shoot him a heated glare. As the concert progresses, Zayn loosens up and begins to feel less awkward about being the only "macho" man there, as he'd previously described himself. "That was so fun! I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time!" he apologizes at the end of the show. You just smile smugly, knowing all along that he'd have a good time one way or another.

LOUIS: "I'm so excited for this concert!" Louis announces happily as you both wait with the other fans in the crowd for the show to begin. "You only like Jennifer Lopez because she's one of the few people in the world with a bigger butt than yours," you remark snidely. Louis just laughs and nods his head to the side as if to you say, "Yeah, you have a point there." Once the show gets going and the crowd is all fired up, you notice Louis begins to loosen up a bit too much. You keep your mouth shut and just let your boyfriend enjoy the show. You're both up and dancing and having a great time; you don't want to soil the mood. "Woo! That was so fun!!" Louis shouts out the window on the highway on the way back to the house. "I can tell you were having a grand ole time," you inform him. "What's that mean?" "Lou, babe...your gay was showing the whole time." Louis just laughs and shrugs, "What else is new?' This causes you to laugh so hard it becomes difficult to breathe. "Breaking news: Louis Tomlinson openly admits to being gay! Oh your fans would have an absolute field day with that news!" Louis laughs again, thinking now about the rumors that would fly about him and Harry if anyone has just heard you shout that out the car window.

NIALL: "Alright, Niall. We are going to go through this one last time," you start, but he cuts you off. "That's what you said that last time you lectured me about this." "And it's what I'm gonna say every other time I lecture you tonight. Now, when we get to this concert, you'd better remember who your girlfriend is, who cooks for you every day, who lays in bed next to you at night -" "I know!!" he cuts you off once more. "It's you, it's always you! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not gonna leave you for Demi Lovato...no matter how freakin' hot she is?" You purse your lips and make a grab for his chest, twisting his skin in your fingers. "Ow! Stop that! I'm gonna be covered in bruises!" You just glare at him disapprovingly, feeling no remorse whatsoever. Once you get to the concert, you have a good time, nearly forgetting all about Niall's huge celebrity crush on Demi. He gets even more into the concert than you do - jumping all around and nearly screaming out the lyrics to her songs. It's not until the show is over that reality strikes again and you're reminded of his enormous crush. "She was brilliant! And those outfits! Oh my God! Why don't you wear things like that, baby?" You lose your cool over these words and just start smacking him in the arm with both your hands. He laughs and ducks away. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!!" he tries to convince you though his laughter.


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i love yoouuuuu all. <3 <3



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