Fans Getting Violent With You Infront Of Him -One Direction

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ZAYN: You and Zayn are strolling through the mall, enjoying a rare lazy Saturday afternoon together. Some fans spot you and stop you, asking for pictures and wanting to talk for a few minutes. You and Zayn are more than happy to stop and fulfill their requests. After a little while, the crowd grows a bit bigger and you and Zayn get pulled apart by various fans wanting to talk to you both. You're eating it up, enjoying all the appreciation they're showing towards both you and Zayn. You can't help but notice one fan standing towards the back of the small group, looking almost miserable. You address her, "Hi there, how are you?" you ask cheerfully. "Don't talk to me," the girl snaps. "I'm here for Zayn, not his slutty girlfriend," she finishes venomously. Stricken, you don't really know what to say. Having overheard, Zayn steps in. "Excuse me, but that's really no way to talk to someone who makes me so happy. I really don't appreciate you saying such demeaning things to her, especially when they aren't the least bit true." He turns to talk to the whole group now, "I'm sorry, but it appears as though this may not be the best idea right now. [Y/N] and I need to go. I'm really sorry," he apologizes profusely to the ones who had done nothing wrong. He gently leads you away from the group by the arm, bringing you out the car. "You ok?" he asks once in the privacy of your car. "Yeah, it just stings a little to know people feel that way about me." "I know, baby, I know," Zayn comforts, pulling you as close as he can over the sectional between you both in the front seat of the car.

LIAM: He surprises you with an exciting trip to Hawaii for a little much-needed getaway and down time. On your second day there, you find yourselves surrounded by fans on the beach. You both encourage them to stay and chat a bit, not wanting to be rude to his fans. You're laughing and talking with a couple of girls who seem really sweet and friendly. You're having a great conversation when somewhere from behind you, your arm gets yanked, pulling you a couple steps back. "You're in the way of Liam!" the girl guilty of the pulling accuses. Stunned by the situation, you can't think of any other comeback other than a lame, "Oh, uh, sorry..." Liam, however, isn't about to tolerate that. He shakes his head disapprovingly. "That's so not cool. You just don't treat people like that," he mildly scolds the fan before draping an arm around you and leading you away. Your arm is a bit sore, but your heart if full of love and appreciation for the man at your side.

LOUIS: You'd just stepped into the store for a just a moment and by the time you'd returned, Louis was hamming it up with a small group of fans. You hang back and watch, amused. When someone finally notices your presence, she lets out a very audible, "Ughh, what's she doing here?" Louis follows her gaze to find that she's looking at you. "She's here because I haven't seen her and ages and I've missed her terribly," he defends. Some fans aww over this statement. Louis goes on, "If you have a problem with her, that means you have a problem with me. It's that simple." Angry now, Louis takes you by the hand and you both continue walking through the shops, leaving the fans to think about what he'd just said. "You alright, babe?" he asks once you're out of earshot. You nod, "Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks." He kisses your temple. "No need to thank me."

NIALL: You're out, enjoying a warm afternoon in the park. You'd just finished some ice creams and Niall is already debating whether or not to go get a second one. Without warning, your clasped hands are being violently ripped apart by a small group of fans, all dying to get a picture with Niall. "What the..." you start to say. "Alright, girls, calm down, relax," Niall is saying, glancing your way to make sure you're ok. "Niall! Niall! Can you sign my arm?" one girl asks, shoving a pen in his face. "Yeah, one sec," he says absently, as he takes the couple of steps over to you. "You alright?" he asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little surprised, is all. Go on and take their pictures and whatnot. I'm fine, really." Niall smiles, appreciative that you're such a trooper. "I think it would just be best if we left," he tells you. "I'm sorry, guys, but she and I don't really appreciate that kind of behavior, so we're just gonna take off now. I'm sorry." He takes you by the arm and begins walking away with you.

HARRY: Harry is busy talking to a couple of fans who had approached him. You stand back and watch him enjoy the attention. A fan turns her attention to you and you strike up a conversation with her. She seems nice enough at first but then she comes out with, "I really don't think you're good enough for Harry and I can't wait until he dumps you." You try to keep your cool as you say, "Hey, listen, there's really no need for that. If you don't like me that's fine, just don't talk to me." "No, youlisten," the fan sneers, giving your shoulders a bit of a shove. Harry witnesses this and intervenes. "Excuse me," he says, his tone a warning. "If this is how you're gonna be, then I think it would be best if [Y/N] and I just leave." "What? No!" come the responses from the rest of the group. "Sorry, ladies. [Y/N] and I have to be off now." And with that, he takes your hand and you make your way away from the protesting girls. "That was a little scary, not gonna lie," you admit. "I totally thought she was gonna deck ya," Harry says with a laugh, erasing all of your previous jitters from the situation.


anyone going t the august 2nd show in toronto?

i got floor seats <3

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