One Direction I LOVE YOU!

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Please read my note at the end! 💕💕💕


Liam: The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy - Whenever the two of you cleaned up around the house, you'd find yourself blaring Fall Out Boy for all the world to hear. It was just something that pumped you up.

Louis: The Girl by City and Colour - You both found this song while scanning through the radio one day and began humming along by the time the second chorus came around. When you guys got home, you replayed it over & over again until the song was embedded into your brain.

Niall: I Miss You by Blink 182 - You grew up being a die hard Blink fan and it had rubbed off on Niall a bit. You both loved the tone and rhythm of the song and how completely addicting it was.

Zayn: Children of Divorce by Jonny Craig - You were a sucker for acoustic songs with amazing vocals and this song was that exact description. You both loved this song to pieces.

Harry: Look After You by The Fray - Harry had always liked a wide variety of music, so The Fray happened to catch his interest. You both sung loudly and dramatically to this song whenever it came on Pandora, no matter where it was or who was there, neither one of you cared what anyone thought.







Hey baby's<3 sorry I haven't been around for a while... I've been really busy with work ad such. BUT!!!!!

I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my fans. Honestly... Almost 105K reads! That is huge for me.

I love you all! And only a little while until august 1-2 TORONTO BABYY #WWATour

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