Paps Are Aiming Low. -All Of One Direction

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LOUIS: As you and your family exit your house, you are ambushed by paparazzi. The news had just recently surfaced that Lea is pregnant, and the paps are being relentless in trying to get a shot of your pregnant teen. For the most part, you've been able to ignore them and carry about your business, just as you do whenever they are trying to be nosey, but this time around there is one guy in particular who won't give it a rest. "So, Lea, did you get knocked up to be like Jamie Lynn Spears?" the guy inquires rudely. Having had enough of their badgering, and that line being the final straw, Louis finally snaps. "Look, she's not the first that this has happened to and she won't be the last. This is our family's private business and you all need to butt out!" At hearing this, that particular guy backs down a bit, but the crowd in general continues to snap pictures. The three of you can do nothing more but keep your heads down and try to get to your destination.

LIAM: "Makenzie, Makenzie! When is your due date?" one of the many paparazzi gathered outside of your house asks as your daughter gets out of her car and tries to get to the door. She remains silent and stoic while outside, but as soon as the door closes behind her and she's finally in the privacy if her own home, she breaks down into tears. "Makenzie..." you say gently, coming to console her. "I've had it. I'm done with this nonsense," Liam seethes. He throws open the front door and shouts, "Hey! I'm pretty sure I've seen enough pictures of my pregnant daughter in the tabloids by now, so why don't you take your cameras elsewhere now, yeah? We've all had quite enough of this." And with that, he slams the door shut and goes to join you in consoling your teen.

ZAYN: "They did it again," your daughter says as she joins you in the den. "Did what again?" you ask, lowering your magazine. "A couple if them followed me home from school again," she says, dropping her backpack on the floor and taking a seat next to you on the couch. "Are they still out there?" Zayn asks, already getting to his feet. "I guess so, yeah," she responds. Zayn beelines it to the front door, and as soon as he starts to open it, he can hear the sounds of cameras going off on the other side. "Oh, it's just her dad," one of them says as soon as Zayn is revealed. "Yeah. Her massively pissed off Dad," he corrects angrily. "Now either get the hell off my lawn or I'll come out there and throw you off myself," he threatens menacingly enough for the men to take action and get out of there.

HARRY: "I can't take this anymore. This is insane," Harry carries on. Your teenage daughter had just been hounded at the mall with her friends by paparazzi asking if she planned on being a cast member of the next season of "Teen Mom." "She's a kid, they can't treat a kid that way - no matter what kind of situation she may be in." "I agree with you completely, but what are we going to do about it?" you ask, feeling helpless. Harry shakes his head back and forth, continuing to pace, as he thinks of what he can do. Finally his head snaps up and he stops pacing. "I'm going to the mall and giving them a piece of my mind," Harry says decidedly. "They probably aren't even there anymore, Harry," you say quietly. "It's still worth a try," he says on his way out the door.

NIALL: You aren't sure what the paparazzi are taking more pictures of at this point, your pregnant daughter or your husband giving them all the finger. Just a moment ago, they had been harassing your daughter with nasty comments about her current condition. Prior to today, they had not-so-subtly taken pictures, but none of them had ever actually said anything to her about it. The comment was enough to finally put Niall over the edge. "If any of you have anything else to say, I'll be introducing you to my fist too!" he shouts his threat. The paps back off a bit, but still go about snapping their photos and calling out to your daughter to get her to turn their way.


sometimes paps piss me off. FAMOUS PEOPLE HAVE LIVES TOOO!

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