A Bit Dumb. -Finn Harries :)

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"What if they don't like me, Finn?" You asked my boyfriend as we were standing outside his friend's door, about to enter the party.

"They're going to love you, I promise." He reassured you, rubbing your shoulders. He knocked a few times and waited for his friend Tyler to answer the door.

"Hey Finn! What's up?" He said as he high fived him.

"And you must be... Muriel, right? I'm Tyler." Tyler asked and shook your hand.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." You smiled warmly at him.

"So, come on in, the party is just getting good." Tyler said as he walked in front of you guys. You grabbed Finn's hand nervously, and he squeezed it a little, just to reassure you everything was going to be okay.

You walked to a circle of girls and guys, and they all hollered Finn's name, giving him high fives and manly hugs.

"Oooo, is this your girlfriend that you always talk about?" One friend asked Finn as he hugged you. Finn's face got blood red.

"Guys, this is Muriel." He introduced and everyone waved a hello, shook your hand, or hugged you. They were pretty welcoming, actually.

It was about ten o'clock when you guys got back to his flat, and you decided to just stay the night.

"Hey! How about we make a YouNow?!" Finn asked excitedly as he pulled his laptop on his bed.

"Uh, o-okay." You hesitantly agreed and he typed in the URL.

He brought the website up, and began the video. He copied the URL and posted it on twitter, and immediately you got around 500 viewers.

"Hi guys! It's Finn. I, uh, would like to introduce you to someone, and you have to promise you'll be respectful." Finn said, being dead serious. A bunch of tweets came in saying how they'll be respectful, how they loved him, and to hurry up with the introduction.

"Muriel, come over here." He put his hand over your shoulder and pulled you into the camera's view.

"This is Muriel, my girlfriend." Finn said as he kissed you on the cheek.

A million tweets came in saying things such as 'Wow! She's pretty!' 'Aww. How cute!', etc.

"She's a little goofy." Finn said winking to the camera. You push his shoulder and gasp as he cracks up. You stare at him and shake your head.

"Yeah, and he's just a little bit dumb." You said, smiling. Finn placed his hand over his heart.

"I'm offended." He gasped.

"Good." You said as smiled at him. He bit his lip before he tackled you and began tickling you.

"Finn! Quit it!!!" You yelled trying to push him off. He kissed you on the lips and got back to the YouNow. A bunch of fans were saying how cute of a couple you guys were, and soon '#Furiel' was trending worldwide on Twitter.


Finn Finn The Better Twin!

Jack Jack The Better Chap!

MAUAMS <333333333333333333333333333333333333


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