Hells tricks

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Angel walks out of the garage with semen mixed blood running down her body. She headed upstairs to the destroyed room and folded her arms. "Hmph." She walked over to the mirror and tilted her head. "Guessing how this isn't touched, this is the portal."

She examined it and frowned. "But how does this work?"

She places her hand on the mirror. The mirror reflection  deformed and opened up the portal into the other world.

-with Sadin-

Sadin had reached the top of the staircase. His godly aura had faded and the burning of the poison returns. He growls pushing through the door and his eyes grew wide. There before him was his beloved queen. She was sitting on the arm of the throne with a glass of wine held between her fingers. "Hello sadin." She said.

She jumped off the arm and smiled.

"How did you get here?" Sadin asked.

She smiled. "I tricked the demon that kept us apart and crushed him."

Sadin smiled and kissed her lightly. Her kiss felt cold but he ignored it just to hold her again

He broke the kiss and smiled. He gazed into her yellow eyes and bit his lower lip before nuzzling her rubbing his nose against her soft fur. He stopped and pulled away. "Why do you smell of coconut oil and not of blood and nectar?"

Jinx narrows her gaze to the left. "I had just finished killing the demon that was there on the throne."

Sadin frowns. "Jinx."


"Look at me."

Jinx blinks and looks at him. "Yes love?"

(Authors Note: OK readers. Let's get this straight. The two realms have different time lengths so honestly there is no saying when you really arrived or left.")

Sadin looks into her eyes and then took in some of her scent. He smiled lightly. "Nothing."

Sadin grunted holding his side and Jinx frowned. "Are you OK?"

Sadin shook his head. "I'm too weak. The venom has already burned its way through my body."

Jinx frowned. "My love, let me help you."

Sadin looked at her and she kissed his deeply. He felt her tongue enter his mouth and slither its way down his throat. His eyes grew wide as he felt her tongue deep down in his body. He froze in shock and felt the burning of the Venom fading away. Her tongue left his mouth back to her own and smiled.

"Where did you learn such actions of a succubus?" Sadin frowned.

Jinx thought for a moment and smiled. "Well being held captive in my own body gave me free time to catch up on a few books."

Sadin smiled. "How precious."

He ran his paws up her body making her purr. She bit her lip and cupped his crouch in her paw as she pressed herself against him. "Let have a pup my love."

Sadin stared down at her with his pupiless eyes and tilted his head. "We must not think of mating here."

Jinx whimpered. "Sadin I have been waiting for you for 37 Millennia! I can't wait any longer."

Sadin noticed a flash of light and shielded jinx. When it faded, Angel folded her arms growling. "You dare mate with another female Sadin!"

Sadin glares at her and pulls jinx behind him. "Speak you unholy succubus. What business do you have here."

Angel huffs. "I'm Jinx Lever, I possess this demon.."

Jinx peeked from behind Sadin and whimpered.

"Hmph sounds like a word from an untrusting demon to me." Sadin Explains. "But nether the less your master is dead now be gone before I rip you to shreds."

Angel rolls her neck. "Hmph. Can't you see? This creature behind you is the demon."

Jinx pressed against Sadins back. "Please my love. Just kill her already. She speaks lies that anger me."

Sadin nodded. "This shouldn't be too hard."

Angel sighs and balls up her fists. "Then allow me to beat the sence into you."

The two charged and Angel roared leaping over Sadin and dashed toward Jinx.. "I'll show you a thing or two about impersonating and queen of the God of death!"

Jinx Screamed and Sadin smirked. Angel yelped tripping and falling flat on her chest. She looked back sewing a decomposed Jackal corpse grabbing her ankle.

Sadin growled walling up to her. "How dare you try and attack my mate." He held his law over his eyes. "Your punishment will not be pleasant."

Angel growled and felt her other ankle be grabbed and sadin place his foot on her back.

Angel whimpered and yelped as a tear fell down her nose. "Sadin please don't do this. She is lieing to you." Angel looks back at sadin to see he had uncovered his eyes to show empty sockets. "S-Sadin?"

Sadin chuckled darkly and began speaking riddles of Arabic words. Angel looked at her hand watching as the skin and flesh melted tight off the bone.

"Sadin I'm your god damn wife! How dare you kill the mother of our child!"

Sadin chuckles. "I have no acknowledgement of any child of mine."

Angel saw her entire arm melting away to bone and grunted feeling the horrific pain. "Sadin please believe me!"

Angel frowned finding it impossible to reason with the creature she called her husband.

She grunted feeling her heart beginning to detilerate and roars pushing against sadin. After throwing him off, she dashed out the portal and destroyed the mirror. Her body was still melting and the pain only got worse. "I have to return to my body.."

Angel ran out the house and hurried into the sky. Her succubus wings were weak but managed just as fine.

She crashed through the window of the hospital room and pounced Alanna. Alanna screamed and was met was a deep kiss to her lips.

Jinx stepped into her mind and growls. "Get that bitch out of here Now!"

Angel pulls away from the kiss and hisses before being shot by a guard. She roars and jumps off Alanna before melting away to bones and collapses.

They ran to Alanna's aid and the nurses cleaned her up. Alanna frowned squirming not liking the fact she couldn't do it herself.

Jinx growled pacing back and forth thinking about the situation she is in. "How could he not see past her illusion. Her lies, her tricks. How dare he try and kill me."

Jinx looked through Alanna's vision and smirks. "Fine if they want to plat that game, I'll just become stronger."

Alanna blinked and her eyes turned to Feral red. The nurses took to notice while they cleaned Alanna. Alanna DAT up and smirked swiping her claws across one nurses cheek before pouncing another. She ripped the nurses throat out and stood up smirking at the injured nurse. "You have two choices. Stay and be next or go and security. Your choice."

The nurse breaths hard and runs out the door. Alanna smirks kneeling by her kill and begins feasting.

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