City Problems Solved

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Alanna awakes in the hospital room. She grunts rubbing her stomach and whimpered. "Why am I here again?"

A woman with a skunk tail and ears walks in. She frowns reading off a clipboard. "You were found yesterday in the bathroom of the studio passed out with heroin in your system. Lots of it too."

Alanna frowns. "Is my baby OK?"

The doctor flipped a few pages and nodded. "Surprisingly yes. She is healthy but can't breath on her own."

Alanna frowned. "Wait her?!"

The skunk smiles. "You were just far enough to where she could be born and live."

"Can I see her?"

The doctor lowered her clipboard. "About that."

-in the underworld-

Sadin was finishing a sacrifice to his dominant goddess. He sighed mummifying the corpse of a fallen succubus and sighs. "The forest took your life with several others. But this won't stop us now."

He stood up and glanced at the calm blood river. "Beyond that river is the Greeks territory and I refuse to let them stop me."
The Egyptian party marched across the river and through the burned dead forest. The inccubi kept to the skies keeping their sights on anything that would bring conflict while the succubi crept along side the enslaved souls with the demons close behind.

-back in the hospital-

"WHAT?!" Alanna screamed.

A woman wearing a black suit stood at the end of the bed with her arms folded. "I'm sorry Miss Sparda but we will hold onto your baby till we see that the child won't be in danger."

Alanna wiped her tears. "Please at least allow me to hold her or at least see her."

The woman pulled out a picture and handed it to Alanna. It was a picture of a tiny baby with a black jackal tail and ears. "That's the best I will do for you."

Alanna whimpered. "Well can't I breast feed her?"

The doctor shook her head. "Sadly not. The drugs you took have effected your breast milk."

"Therefore speaking," The CPS representative added. "Your not fit to care for this child. The only way I see you getting her back is through court and a fine of over $300,000."

Alanna frowned. "I can't get that kind of money."

"Then we will hold her in our custody till either you do or a family adopts her."

The woman leaves and Alanna whimpered looking down. The doctor nodded. "I'll just leave you alone for a while."

Alanna looked up at her and her golden eyes were pure black. She growled and the doctor grunted trying to move unable to look away, she pulled the pen from her clipboard and raised her sleeves. The pen was pierced into her arm then ripped up. She did the same to the other arm till both arms were ripped open. She dropped the pen and walked toward the wall drawing Egyptian symbols in blood.

After 30 minutes, she had finished her last symbol and fell to the ground dead of blood loss.

Alanna's eyes returned to their golden yellow color and she collapsed back on the bed.

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