ı 14 ı On My Mind

Start from the beginning

"That's amazing!! See? I told you we would figure it out." I laugh, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. I'm genuinely happy for him and relieved he won't be so scared of himself anymore. Although, I know as vampires we are always fighting the urge to feed, I feel comforted knowing James won't have that part of him heightened anymore. 

"And, to make things even better, I think Theo has finally picked a side," James adds.

I gape my mouth open in surprise. "What? How do you know?" I ask excitedly.

"This morning when I dropped him off at daycare, he used magic to open the car door," James chuckles. "Smart little guy." He laughs.

"James!" I scold. "You're not supposed to let him use magic in public!"

"Hey! He only uses it when he needs to!" James continues to laugh. "Besides, if he used magic, it means he must've used witch magic seeing as the herbs Freya prescribed him strictly kept his Traveller side at bay. Not to mention we haven't had any weird weather or power outages since we came back."

"So he chose witch magic!" I exclaim and James nods. I let out a relieved laugh, resting my head in my hands as I physically feel my mind deflate in pressure, my list of problems decreasing in size. Unfortunately the more it decreases in size, the more I'm forced to face the problems at the end of the pile. One of those problems being figuring out what place I consider home.

"James," I begin, hating myself for turning the mood serious again. "Do you like it here?"

He furrows his brow in confusion. "What do you mean? Of course I do. It's our home, where you restarted your life." 

"Exactly, it's where I started my life, but now that you're back, I'm just afraid this isn't what I want, or what you want, or hell even if this is right," I sigh, craving a drink. "Where the hell are the workers in this place," I growl.

"Blair, honestly I'm perfectly fine living wherever as long as I'm with you." He smiles, reaching to grasp my hand.

I feel my cheeks flush and I roll my eyes. "I really appreciate your kind words James, I really do but this isn't time for your romantic remarks." I shake my head with a laugh. "I just feel like I'm missing something. It's been great living here for the past two months like regular people, but no matter how hard I try I just can't shake the feeling that this isn't right. I moved here to start a life by myself, to get over you, and now that you're back it just feels wrong."

"What are you saying?" he questions, his hazel blue eyes trying to figure me out. I can see they're struggling, which shouldn't come as a surprise because right now I don't even understand myself.

"I think we need to move back to Mystic Falls," I admit quietly, causing him to widen his eyes. Before he can respond however, the bartender approaches us.

"Whatchay'all talkin' about?" Joel greets, leaning on his elbows on the bar table, looking back and forth between James and I.

"Oh, so that's why my drink was taking so long," I tease, glaring at Joel.

"Relax, I've got you covered." Joel waves me off, passing over a glass of bourbon. I take it with a nod, before letting the beverage slide down my throat in a satisfying way.

"Seriously, what are you guys talking about. It looks like you're both fighting, and you never fight," Joel comments seriously.

"Would you ever move back to Mystic Falls?" I ask Joel, ignoring his question.

"Is the sky blue?" Joel comments sarcastically, shaking his head. "No! What kind of question is that? That town is dead to me." 

"Oh come on! All our friends are back there, struggling to cope just like we are!" I argue back, trying to prove my point. Although it's hard to win an argument when you don't have any valid points seeing as I'm not entirely sure why I want to move back. I just do.

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