ı 02 ı Never Again

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"I lay in tears in bed all night, alone without you by my side."

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I HAD FALLEN asleep last night the way I always fall asleep, by not falling asleep at all. I'm usually up several hours after I plop into my empty bed, my mind still racing with thoughts and memories and by the time I actually manage to close my eyes, it's time to get up again.

That's the only thing I hate about this normal life job. I have to get up early every single morning, even before the sun comes up. In my book, if the sun is down and you wake up, you are allowed to fall back asleep. Apparently the real world doesn't go by the rules of my book which means I am forced to drag myself out of my non existent sleep and get the house running again.

By the time I manage to wake Theo, get him dressed and ready and drop him off at preschool, I find myself struggling for time as I board the elevator of the office building. I have no idea what kind of appearance I have on right now, as I don't even remember what I had for breakfast. Or if I had any breakfast for that matter.

I walk into the office once I step off the elevator, keeping my head down to avoid attention as I walk to my desk. Logan and Christina are already at their tables, drawing away with their heads down giving me time to sit down without being noticed.

"Oh hello, Blair," Logan greets, not looking up from his work.

"Morning," I say, pulling out my sketches for a new CD cover I'm working on for a client.

"Hey, have y- ahh," Logan says, trailing off as he lifts his head up to look at me. "What the hell happened to you?" he questions, his brow raised in curiosity.

"What?" I ask, scrunching my brows in confusion.

He gestures around my face, circling it with his finger in the air. "That," he explains jokingly.

I scoff and pull out my pocket mirror from my purse, flipping it open and cringing at the sight in front of me. My hair is frizzy beyond belief, my black eyeliner is slightly smudged from where a few tears escaped this morning, and my lipstick is in patches, missing colours in a few spots. It seems getting ready at six in the morning when the sun is not up is never a good idea.

"Oh honey," Christina gasps, looking at me in horror. "What's got you in such a mess?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," I assure them, waving them off with a smile before turning back to my work, but they know me better than that. To my luck, they keep on pushing.

"Like hell you're fine. I can see the tear stains. Why you so upset Bee?" Christina asks, rolling her chair beside me as Logan leans in across his desk to inspect me further. 

I shrug, trying to act casual. "Just thinking," I say.

"Thinking about what?" Logan asks, biting on the tip of his pen.

"It doesn't matter," I say, desperately trying to change the subject. I don't want to talk about this any more.

"Come on, you can tell us. What are you thinking about?" Christina pushes, practically testing me to my limit of how far I can hold in my anger. Thanks to Katherine Pierce, my patience tolerance is pretty high.

"I was just thinking about someone, and it got kind of emotional this morning. That's all I swear," I reply honestly, hoping that's enough information to satisfy them. Logan nods but Christina on the other hand presses further.

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