103 12 9

August 21st, 2016

1:58am [Australian time]

Dan woke up from the vibration from his phone against the bedside table. His tired eyes could not open, he forces his eyes to open and squint because of the brightness of his phone.

Louise Pentland is calling...

He cleared his throat and answered the phone.


'Hi Dan'

'You know it's like... Two in the morning here'

'Yes I know Dan'

'What do you want-'

'Look I'm in an emergency'

'Are you alright?'

'No I'm fine, it's Eleanor'

'What happened'

'She wants you'

'Pass the phone to El'

Dan heard ruffling on the other side of the line. He then heard what sound like heavy breathing, unsteady, heavy breathing.


'El.. What happened?' Dan said calmly.

'Car.... Accident... Can't... Breath...'

'Okay, calm down baby... Try to calm yourself down'

'I... I can't...' 

'Okay, breath with me'

Dan proceeded to do some slow, steady breathing to calm Eleanor down.

'Please..... Please make it stop....'

'Make what stop?'

'The... Screaming.... Banging.... Crashing....'

Dan was confused and alerted. He threw his blankets off his body but didn't get out of his bed. Instead, he swung his legs of his bed and leaned his elbows against his thighs.

'Babe, I can't hear anything... Please try to calm yourself down... I'm right here'

'I'm... I'm sorry'

Eleanor continued to sob harder. Her shaky hand made her drop the phone onto the ground. All Dan could hear was the crunch of grass when she dropped the phone onto the ground.

Dan has also teared up. He felt frustrated on how he couldn't hold Eleanor and try to calm her down. He felt useless.

He heard the phone beep, indicating that the other line is dead. He gently threw his phone on his bed and shuffled along to the bathroom. He turned on the cold tap and splashed cold water onto his face. He leaned on the sink, letting the cold water drip from his face and into the drain.

He dried his face with a towel and put the toilet lid down, he sat down and wince at the sudden coldness of the seat. He rubbed his hands against his face and hair. He can see his breath from the winter coldness air. It was almost like he was smoking his way out of problems. 

He felt his heart wrench in pain of the thought of Eleanor. How much it pained him to hear her cry. He wanted to kiss the pain away. But he knew he couldn't.

Then it struck him...

He loves her.

He loves every bit of her.

She was like a drug to him.

He can taste her kiss on his lips and he can't get rid of it.

Her love is a fucking drag.

And he need it so bad.

You're worse than nicotine



Sorry I haven't posted anything for 20 years. I've just started school and been busy with that, I also had writers block and I was sorta lazy and procrastinated.

I'm sorry for that.

Please don't hate me.

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