134 11 15

April 20th, 2016


The dream was still fresh in Dan's mind. He remember exactly what happened on that day. How it was the best and worst day in his life. He tried to confess his feelings towards Eleanor. How much he loves her. But he couldn't get the right words.

'Look..... I know this is really bad timing but I have to confess something to you... El, I know you since primary school and we both separated during our early teenage years. I've tried looking for you, on Myspace, Facebook and all, trying to contact you. But I couldn't find you, I thought I lost you but now, I can finally say it...... El.. I-'

C'on Dan, you can do it



'I.... am leaving Reading to go to Uni in Manchester... Yep... I got accepted at University in Manchester'

Dan you IDIOT!

'Dan, that's great. I'm proud of-'


Both Dan and Eleanor turned around towards the doorway to see Dan's girlfriend; Chastity.

'Chaz. I was going to tell you... I was going to.. Surprise you.. yeah'

'Who's this bitch? Are you cheating on me with HER? Is that why you didn't show up at the party as you promised, because you're with HER'

Chastity walked pasted Dan and towards El. Eleanor started to shake with anxiety.

'Maybe I should leave...'

She left without Dan response. She jogged out of his room and out of his house. And towards the direction to her house.

'El, Please.. no'

Dan shuffled towards the door, but Chastity grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

'Daniel, please, babe. I'm sorry'

'Look, Chaz, I'm sorry but we should break up, also you should leave my house now. Bye'

Dan ran out to find Eleanor. He didn't spot her immediately, but he spot her running from a couple of houses down before she took a left corner. Dan sprinted his way towards Eleanor's direction.

He spotted her resting against a large tree that was next to a street light in the local park. He quickly jogged up to her.

'El. Please, let me explain..'

'Dan, don't you need to be with your girlfriend right now. She's more important than I am'

'She's not my girlfriend.. Well, not anymore'

'Why? She was perfect for you-'

'Because she wasn't you. El, I love you. I know this is really, really bad timing but for Gods sake-'

Dan leaned down and kissed Eleanor. It was a passionate kiss; slow, gentle and soft. Nothing like Dan has experienced. But that kiss was Eleanor's first kiss.

Dan felt something hit against his face. Then again, and again.

It has started raining.

Eleanor pulled away from Dan but he reconnected their lips again, he always wanted to kiss a girl in the rain. He felt the magic radiating off them.

They finally pulled away. El opened her eyes to look at Dan, Dan did the same. He lifted his hand and caressed her cheek, he smiled at her with pure genuine joy. He held his other hand to hold her free hand.

Eleanor released what he was doing. Her eyes widen with pure shock. She let go of Dan's hand, she looked down and whispered

'Goodbye Dan'

She turned around to her left and ran off. Each step went further and further away from Dan. All Dan could hear was her wet footsteps fading away. He stood there with tears in his eyes. It escaped from his eyes and mixed with the heavy rain drops that were pelting onto his face. He didn't run for her this time. He had every strength to do so. But he was so shocked he couldn't move.

A moving car drove past him, he suddenly realizes where he was. He started to walk back towards his house. With his head bowing down with shame.


As soon he entered his room, he fell face first onto his bed. He couldn't care if his wet clothes were going to soak his bed. He was too embarrassed to do anything.

He grabbed his iPod and put on My Chemical Romance. He put it up full blast, so it was covering up his emotions.

One song will remind him of Eleanor. The lyrics describes what he's feeling right now. He didn't care if the mood was angsty. He just discovered his first heart break. He won't be himself for a while.

So long and goodnight.

Dan jolted when his alarm went off from his phone. It was time to go to the airport and meet Phil, who was already in America. To start of his tour at Playlist live.

He grabbed his suitcase and quickly grabbed his shoes. He then phoned a cab to take him to the airport.

He double checked everything. He got everything he needed. He grabbed his key and walked out the door. He placed the key on top of the door frame, so it won't get lost during his travel.

He checked to see if his door was locked, then when he checked, he looked down to the stair case. At the bottom of the stair case. Was Eleanor, standing there, watching every move he makes.

'Um hi El, I can't talk to you for much long. I need to get to the airport. See I'm going on tour for a couple months and-'

Dan inhaled and exhaled deeply, he fiddled with his hair, he didn't know what to say. His stomach started to do flips. Eleanor walked up the steps. It suddenly felt as if time slowed down. Her coming up the stairs took forever.

Eleanor's eyes connected with Dan's eyes. She pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her, he knew the feeling all too well. She inhaled her breath and held it for a second.

'Goodbye Dan'



Does this feel familiar? being stabbed in the mother fluffing feels.

noticed i put a My Chemical Romance song in it. This song will be the main song to describe this book.

if you haven't heard of it, its called Helena by My Chemical Romance. Listen to the song and re read Dan's memory.

One lyric will be a hint for the future plot. Learn the lyrics and guess what it is.

i hope you can recover from this feel train.


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